Top 5 IT Resolutions for 2015

Radhika Sivadi

4 min read ·



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2015 is finally here and as most of the corporate world returns to work this week, it’s time for executives to come up with some New Year’s Resolutions of their own. While you’ve no doubt (I hope) already come up with your IT budget for 2015, there are a few housekeeping items that should be on your New Year’s Resolution list for your business when it comes to your technology. Drawing a blank on how to improve your situation in 2015? Here are our top 5 IT resolutions for 2015.

  1. To better monitor and be accountable for the security of IT systems
    Security isn’t just about compliance laws like HIPAA, it’s about protecting the data of your clients and having the peace of mind that comes with expanding technology in the most secure way possible. You don’t want to have to worry about employees accessing e-mail or company data from mobile devices, just like you don’t want to worry about your network being hacked or viruses infecting your workstations and impacting your data backups. In 2015 make it a priority to better secure your company’s IT systems.
  2. To constantly be aware of how the company’s technology can improve employee satisfaction and bottom line profit.
    In 2014 we talked a lot about employee satisfaction, which is a huge contributor to productivity and ultimately company profits. If you’re still struggling with turnover and really making your employees want to be there – it’s time to explore your culture and ways to improve employee happiness in 2015. This can be something as little as giving them the technology that they want, refreshing workstations, or re-doing the office. Showing your employees that they matter to you will make them want to work harder for your business, which spells good things for your bottom line. This user satisfaction survey will help you determine how your technology is impacting their performance and happiness.
  3. To define and pursue an IT strategy that supports the company mission.
    Before you can really set a resolution to support your mission with technology, you have to have a good understanding of what that mission is. Spend some time in 2015 trying to gain a better understanding of who your company is and why you do what you do. This video from Simon Sinek is one of my favorite inspirational talks about finding the “why” in your business. Are you the most innovative business of your kind? Do you want your customers and clients to know that you’re cutting edge and modern? You’ll need technology that reflects that. Once you discover your why and your business goals, you can better determine how your IT strategy can help you achieve them.
  4. To seek out new ways to use technology to increase efficiency in the business.
    If one of your goals is to increase company and employee efficiency in 2015, your IT support, hardware, networking and software must support more efficiency. It won’t do to send your employees to a training class if every time they service a customer or client or work on a project they’re waiting on your systems. Consult with an expert to determine how your existing technology systems can be improved in 2015. This might mean assessing a new line of business application, exploring new internet service providers or changing up your workstations.
  5. To ensure that data is secure against attack, system failure and local disasters and a plan is in place to recover from any scenario.
    Backups. Are you 100% confident in the way that your IT department or provider is handling them? Are you in the cloud? Do you have a business continuity solution? Or are you just hoping that nothing happens? In 2015 you’ll need to really take a look at your solution and determine if it’s really the most effective way to get your business back up and running in the event of a disaster. It’s not enough to just have a backup – particularly when every moment that goes by during a disaster, you’re losing business. You need a comprehensive strategy and a timeline that tells you exactly how quickly you’ll be up and running. If you don’t have a disaster recovery and continuity plan in place, 2015 is your year to get one going.

Resolutions are easy to make and harder to achieve. It’s not enough to just say that you’re going to improve your technology. It’s time for a new frame of mind. It’s time to explore productivity, efficiency, backup, security, mobility and how new and emerging technologies can help you reach your business goals. Having IT support is great, but it’s time to evolve and take your technology to the next level. 2015 is your year. Now get started on achieving your goals.

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This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Top 5 IT Resolutions for 2015

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Radhika Sivadi