40 (More) Creative Facebook Status Ideas To Electrify Your Community

Radhika Sivadi

4 min read ·


Having trouble coming up with Facebook status ideas?

Your Facebook business page is not generating the engagement you had
hoped for?

A few months ago I wrote a blog post – 61 Creative Facebook Status Ideas To Set Your Engagement On Fire.

It is the one of the most popular posts on this site with 150+ social shares and 1,061 page views since being published just over 4 months ago. In fact, it is the 2nd most popular page this month, so it is still generating traffic after 4 months.

Are you seeing the power in content marketing?

It also drives a lot of organic traffic letting me know that a lot of people search Google for Facebook status ideas or something similar to that.

Obviously, with Google’s recent changes, I do not know how people are finding the site now, but know it was a popular search term before.

With that being said, I HAD to do a follow up post, right?

How To Electrify Your Community

40 (More) Creative Facebook Status Ideas To Electrify Your Community image Creative Facebook Status Ideas1 300x30040 (More) Creative Facebook Status Ideas To Electrify Your Community

Get the Conversation Started…

Fill in the blank status updates are great as people always like to “voice” their opinions. You can’t ask them a question that requires a long answer a that is not as effective. For Facebook question posts, the shorter, the better.

  1. My favorite way to relax after a long hard day is __________________
  2. Time for a fun game. If you had to pick a movie title for your life story, what would it be? And who would play you in the movie?
  3. What is your least favorite feature on Facebook?
  4. Fill in the blank: ________________ always makes me feel inspired.
  5. Time for a fun game. Who are your five best friends, and why? Tag them if they’re on FB.
  6. What was your #1 mode of keeping in touch before Facebook?
  7. Time for a fun game. Which TV family is most like your own?
  8. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  9. Birthday reminders rock. What’s YOUR favorite feature on FB?
  10. Fill in the blank: ________________ always makes me feel cheerful.
  11. What do you love most about Facebook?
  12. Fill in the blank: ________________ always makes me feel flattered.
  13. Time for a fun game. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? (You can’t wish for another wish, or money.)
  14. Fill in the blank: ________________ always makes me feel captivated.
  15. Fill in the blank: I find ________________ hilarious!
  16. Have I told you lately that you’re awesome?
  17. My favorite board game of all time is __________________________
  18. Fill in the blank: ________________ always makes me feel amazed.
  19. Time for a fun game. What’s one thing you can do today, to make someone else laugh? Did you do it yet? How about now?
  20. Fill in the blank: ________________ always makes me feel appreciated.


This is a lot of fun to play, but make sure you have someone there to monitor the responses. Depending on the size of your community, this game can go by pretty fast, but it does take time for you to reply to each guess.

This is an excellent way to increase the engagement on any Facebook page.

  1. Here’s your “Humpday Hangman” for this week!
    Category: GEOGRAPHY (City, State).
    Word: __ __ __ – __ __ __ __ __, __ __
    [Answer: Las Vegas, NV]
  2. Here’s your “Humpday Hangman” for this week!
    Category: TELEVISION.
    Word: __ __ __ – __ __ __ – __ __ __ __ – __ __ __ __ __ __
    [Answer: The Big Bang Theory]
  3. Here’s your “Humpday Hangman” for this week!
    Category: TELEVISION.
    Word: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ – __ __ __ __ – __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
    [Answer: Married with Children]
  4. Here’s your “Humpday Hangman” for this week!
    Category: TELEVISION.
    Word: __ __ __ – __ __ __ – __ – __ __ __ __ – __ __ __
    [Answer: Two And A Half Men]
  5. Here’s your “Humpday Hangman” for this week!
    Category: TELEVISION.
    Word: __ __ __ – __ __ __ __ __ __
    [Answer: The Office]

For that last answer, a GIF of Michael Scott, one of television’s best characters of all time, in my opinion.

40 (More) Creative Facebook Status Ideas To Electrify Your Community image tumblr mtfzjm5wtf1qcm0m3o1 50040 (More) Creative Facebook Status Ideas To Electrify Your Community

GIF credit: Tumblr

Quick, Witty Facebook Status Updates

These are just quick status ideas asking questions, calls to action and either/or questions. Remember, have fun with social.

  1. Paper or plastic?
  2. Which came first: The chicken or the egg?
  3. Click LIKE if you consider yourself lucky. Then share your lucky moment.
  4. Q: Are you addicted to the internet?
  5. Morning person or night owl?
  6. Ninjas or Pirates?
  7. What’s another word for synonym?
  8. Why isn’t there a special name for the tops of your feet? Click LIKE if this made you go “Hmmm..
  9. Click LIKE if you sing in the shower
  10. By a show of LIKES, how many of you have you exceeded the speed limit this week?

About Your Company

Best for last? Maybe. These are great ideas to get your community talking about your products and/or services. Have fun with this one…

  1. The last time I went without [INSERT YOUR BRAND OR PRODUCT] I almost ______. Fill in the blank!
  2. If you could wave a wand and add one feature to [INSERT YOUR BRAND OR PRODUCT], what would it be? 🙂
  3. There are two kinds of people in the world: [INSERT YOUR BRAND OR PRODUCT] users and ______.
  4. When’s the last time [INSERT YOUR BRAND OR PRODUCT] made you smile?
  5. [INSERT YOUR BRAND OR PRODUCT] gives me ______.

Now I understand these won’t work for everyone, but play around with them to fit your company. This is a great time to get customer feedback while having some fun with it.


Are these Facebook status ideas everyone will like? Perhaps, I am just trying to give you some ideas to have fun with your community. I also advise sharing your blog posts, promotions, pictures of your staff members, industry news, success stories, etc.

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Radhika Sivadi