5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics

Radhika Sivadi

4 min read ·


Since the release of Moz Pro in 2010, Moz (formerly SEOmoz) has built their reputation on providing the digital marketing industry with the gold standard of SEO tools. On October 15th the long awaited Moz Analytics, spawn of the famed Moz Pro, was released to the public—and it’s definitely worth your attention.

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What is Moz Analytics?

Moz Analytics is an online platform that tracks key inbound marketing metrics, produces reports and makes actionable recommendations for improvement and opportunities. Moz Analytics reports on campaign activity regarding the top of the digital marketing funnel, as can be seen in the graphic below. The software includes analytics for search, social, links, brand and mentions, as well as a host of powerful research tools that you’ll find indispensable.

5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics image digital marketing funnel15 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics

Moz Analytics stands in contrast to all-in-one digital marketing software because it does not encompass the lead nurturing, content creation, social publishing or CRM capabilities associated with the rest of digital marketing funnel. However, with all-in-one marketing software providers (most notably Hubspot) now offering many of the same inbound tracking and reporting solutions, Moz must prove that their platform provides enough residual value over their competitors’ SaaS products to warrant a monthly subscription fee.

So far, they haven’t disappointed.

5 Reasons You Need Moz Analytics

What are the features that allow Moz to rise above the competition? Here are the top five reasons you need Moz Analytics:

1) Competitive Analysis

Whether you’re stacking yourself up against your competitors by tracked keywords, social growth, link profile or Web mentions, Moz Analytics allows you to paint a clear picture of your competitive landscape using rankings, data and graphs that update automatically. Open Site Explorer features a beautiful interface that allows for clear juxtaposition of link ranking metrics, and many of the other tools available in the software suite can be used to gain powerful competitive insights, especially if you’re able to get creative!

5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics image moz competitive analysis5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics

2) On-Page Grader

This unique tool provides you with the ability to grade any URL (yes, even your competitors’) based on any keyword or keyword phrase. Then, it shows you a list of on-page optimization action items that can be taken to improve search ranking for that keyword. It even sorts the fixes by priority and difficulty level.

5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics image moz on page grader5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics

3) Fresh Web Explorer

This tool allows you to analyze online mentions of anything you want—brand, competitors, industry topics—to discover the most relevant content being published on the Web. This is another weapon that can be leveraged for competitive intelligence.

5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics image moz fresh web explorer5 Reasons You Need The NEW Moz Analytics

4) Keyword Rankings

Moz Analytics lets you track rankings for up to 350 keywords, which is not exactly a revolutionary concept. However, it also shows you the untracked keywords that drive traffic to your website, along with local and global search volume, bounce rates, average time spent on-site and much more. Insights like these make it significantly easier to build out a keyword strategy for your website’s content.

Also, in light of recent Google encryption of (not provided) keywords driving traffic, Moz will soon be releasing features that will give users the ability to estimate keyword traffic based on page-level performance. How sweet is that?

5) User-Friendliness

The interface is easy to navigate and understand. In fact, it’s so intuitive that you’ll feel like a pro in no time. Data is displayed graphically and numerically in ways that allow interpretations and conclusions to come naturally. The dashboard provides a simple overview of your analytics and the tabs invite you to dig deeper into the metrics. Simply put, the design is beautiful.

Get your Moz on

You now know what Moz Analytics is and what it isn’t. It’s an exceptionally useful tool that provides amazing insights into your inbound marketing efforts and focuses your attention on opportunities for growth and improvement—but it’s not going to replace your all-in-one digital marketing platform. Instead, it can (and should) be used in conjunction with other software programs to provide a more holistic approach to an effective inbound strategy.

Moz Analytics is affordable, effective, easy-to-use and available for a 30-day free trial to boot! Give it a whirl, you won’t regret it.

Image credit: Moz

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Radhika Sivadi