Ken Rutkowski of Business
Rockstars rapid fire interviews entrepreneurial CEOs in one minute for the
series The 60 Second CEO.
Here’s Jeff Potter, CEO of Surf Air.
KR: Jeff Potter, CEO of Surf Air, 60 seconds on the clock. First, do you take daily breaks?
JP: Yes.
KR: How long of a break do you generally take?
JP: I walk and take coffee. Five minutes.
KR: What time do you go to bed?
JP: Ummm. I’m an early person I go to bed, ten.
KR: What time do you wake up?
JP: five AM.
KR: First thing you do after you wake up?
JP: Uh. Check my email. Make a pot of coffee and check my email.
KR: What’s your worst habit?
JP: My worst habit…uh…chewing my nails.
KR: How many times a day do you think you check your email?
JP: Ongoing. Uh. Ongoing.
KR:This is in the questions. I’m going to ask you, OK? Boxers or briefs?
JP: [Laughs] Briefs.
KR:What’s your favorite animal?
JP:[Pause]. Umm. Miniature Dachshund.
KR: On a scale of one to ten, how weird are you?
JP: Ten being the weirdest? I’m a five say.