Content Marketing That’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


A, B, C… Easy as 1, 2, 3… Simple as Content Marketing…


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That’s definitely not the lyrics to that song. And content marketing simple?! HA! In our dreams!

You and I both know content marketing is anything but simple. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just publish this blog post and have everyone running to the tops of the mountains screaming our praises over the content?! Like I said, in our dreams.

I know I’m not the only one frazzled over how I can make my content have an impact on our online visitors as big as Michael Jackson’s fro in The Jackson 5. Marketers have been churning out content like factories and the content produced is falling flat (hair pun intended).


So like everyone, we love to read up on what the industry is saying will make sure your content and the ROI from your content top notch. So why not toss you some of the articles we found helpful?

First up is obviously creating the content, right? But don’t assume you have to continue to think this up all on your own. Just because you created a static white paper does not mean it can’t transform into something bigger and better. So repurpose your content. And stick to the 1, 2, 3 C’s from Dan Kimball’s article:

  • Curated Content
  • Context
  • Conversion

And Kimball’s thoughts on exceptional content?

“It’s visual, It’s unique. It’s consistent with your brand identity. But most of all, good content is engaging enough that it will move the needle on your business goals.”

“The point here is that if content marketing is going to really keep growing and scaling, you have to start providing more than just content.”


But where do you start? How can you begin to produce content that moves the needle?

Erika Goldwater released an article on the 5 Ways to Produce Content That Drives Revenue and definitely gives her readers a jumping off point for creating a successful content marketing strategy.

“To be considered successful, content strategies must deliver a bigger bang for the buck and do more than just generate mass quantities of leads that are then just dumped on the sales team. It has to deliver real results: better quality leads than convert and drive revenue.”

Goldwater’s tips as easy as the Jackson 5’s hits?

  1. Formalize a strategy
  2. Don’t get hung up on hiring
  3. Don’t lose sight of visual appeal
  4. Focus on the buyer
  5. Be original

“Content that’s educational, independently valuable, and universally applicable will give your materials longer shelf-life and relevance across a wider audience.”

Content overload is here. That’s nothing new. But what you can do is focus on your buyers, take the static content you already have, and make it useful and engaging for your audience. Content marketing may not be a easy as 1, 2, 3 but it doesn’t have to be exhausting either.

What are your next steps? What other advice have you seen in the industry for creating engaging content? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Content Marketing That’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3

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Radhika Sivadi