5 Ways To Improve Your B2B Content Marketing In Small Business

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·



Marketing to other businesses is not quite the same as marketing directly to consumers, and requires a unique set of strategies. Even those who have mastered B2C content marketing, then, may find that success in B2B relationships eludes them.

Here’s what we can tell you about B2B content marketing: Doing it well requires time and commitment; you’re not going to generate big results overnight, but rather you have the lay the foundation for a relationship of trust. B2B content marketing requires an authoritative approach; if other companies are going to choose you as a vendor, you really have to prove that you know what you’re talking about. And, more than ever, proving value is imperative for all your marketing materials. Don’t get too hung up on processes; focus on the benefits you can deliver.

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How To Make Your B2B Content Marketing More Effective

If your current B2B efforts are not paying off like you want them to, consider some of these process improvements:

Write longer content. A 300-word blog entry can be a great way to quickly connect with a consumer. For B2B marketing, though, you really have your work cut out for you in proving the extent of your authority and the depth of your thought. Don’t ramble just to ramble, but do write long, analytical, data-rich content that provides your readers with the proper context and the right solutions.

Recycle your content. Once you get a killer, long-form post written, turn it into an FAQ page for your company website; narrate it for a YouTube video; make it into a SlideShare presentation. Leverage it in as many ways as you can, and try to connect with your audience across a variety of channels.

Curate content. Don’t underestimate the power in sharing meaningful, third-party content—industry news reports, studies, and blogs. Prove your knowledge and passion by immersing yourself in the industry, and make your company social media channels true hubs of pertinent information.

Look to your inbox. One of the toughest aspects of B2B content marketing is thinking up topics—so here’s a hint: Just scan your inbox. Find questions that your clients have posed, and turn those into blog topics. This is a great way to ensure that your content is addressing actual consumer needs.

Don’t waste space. Thank-you pages, 404 pages, e-mail signatures—there is no piece of online real estate that’s too insignificant for you to share your most recent or most popular blog posts.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 5 Ways To Improve Your B2B Content Marketing

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Radhika Sivadi