We've slipped into August and are in the middle of the Olympics with the Election to come later in the year with everything that entails. Here at Yahoo! Small Business we are keeping a close eye on the candidates and what they say about small business, mostly at our election specific blog, SmallBiz Vote. We've got a post there this week about how bad this summer has been for job growth in the small business sector. We've also been covering achieving greatness, posted a roundup of election-related news, added a new occasional columnist who takes a fresh look at starting a business (no business cards!) and looked at tasks you can (and should) eliminate from your workday.
If you haven't taken the plunge yet, hopefully some of these articles give you the impetus to start your own business — and if you do, we have tools to help. Besides our domain name, web hosting and ecommerce products, we also have just added an innovative marketing dashboard that you can try for free even if you don't use our other products.
We've also got our usual roundup of other good small business content from around the web.
Ten ways to use LinkedIn to grow your small business
A great weekly small business news bulletin from the IRS of all organizations
How to establish credit for your small business
Big brand results with small business budgets
Boomers are more likely to run new startups than younger entrepreneurs
Have a great week, watch the bottom line and let us know in the comments if any of this was especially useful or if you have any advice you'd like to share.