Yes, Content Matters, Align Only The Right Content For Savvy Buyers

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


As a consumer in today’s fluctuating buyer landscape, you’re presented with more information than ever before. You know what you want, and you don’t think twice when rejecting a sale that’s perceived as different from your pre-defined needs. And as your buying power continues to escalate, sales reps, on the other hand, are finding themselves in lesser welcoming territory – or one of seemingly endless disconnect. Thus, in order to sell effectively, sales reps must find new ways to connect with buyers. They must adopt and maintain a different selling strategy – but how?

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Let’s think about this…What would make you stop and listen? What if the sales pitch was aligned, truly aligned, and in lockstep with your buying process? By serving up the most compelling selling assets, sales teams are better prepared to begin building the blocks of what becomes a trusting relationship. Having that alignment, as well as timely and relevant content available at their fingertips, sellers can stay one step ahead of the buyer. However, it’s important to note that this can only be achieved if all content assets are up-to-date and compelling. Unfortunately, according to our recent Content Automation Trends report, over 75% of survey respondents say their frequency of reviewing and updating sales content is only somewhat, not very or not at all sufficient.

Moreover, 49% of survey respondents cite that their data and content in sales assets is only somewhat accurate, while nearly the same percentage of respondents (48%) say content is reviewed and updated on an as-needed basis. This incongruity calls into question the reliability of selling content. Is anyone ever notified of a content update? In addition, and even more troublesome, is that content updates are often not targeting unique buyers, let alone are set up to be easily personalized. So while you should always personalize your selling content, doing so is only worthwhile when you’re personalizing appropriately, to each particular buyer, in each particular selling situation.

Interested in learning more about what other companies are doing to optimize their selling techniques and processes? Hint: there’s more to content than you think. Take a read here.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Yes, Content Matters, Align Only The Right Content For Savvy Buyers

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Radhika Sivadi