The world has a long way to go to reach its sustainable energy needs. The Sustainable Energy for All Initiative has set three main objectives to achieve by 2030 that outline the decisive steps that need to be taken to bring us closer to global sustainability.
The first objective is to reach 100 percent global access to electricity and modern cooking fuels. This would greatly help the 1.2 billion people without power and the four million people who die every year from toxic indoor smoke. Second is the doubling of the rate of improvement in global energy efficiency. The third objective is to double the world’s use of renewable energy. In the past twenty years, renewable energy has only increased by about two percent, but by 2030 it needs to have increased by at least 50 percent.
What can governments do to bring these changes about? For one, global spending would need to increase from $400 billion to $1-1.2 trillion. Besides this huge increase, bold policies would need to be implemented. To learn more about the path to global sustainability, check out the infographic below presented by the World Bank.
Sustainable Energy for All [Infographic]
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