Content We Love: Dove Men+Care Celebrates Dad’s First Fatherhood Moments

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


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Dove Care

By the time we have our first childhood memory of Father’s Day, Dad has been hard at work parenting for a couple of years. He’s watched us go from crawling to running, helped us through our myriad baby problems, and been on the receiving end of a couple questionable neckties.

But when does a man truly become a father?

This Father’s Day, Unilever’s Dove brand is launching “First Fatherhood Moments,” a campaign that celebrates the exciting and emotional moment a man first learns he’s going to become a dad – something any parent will tell you is a seminal moment in their life.

Dove has teamed this campaign with their Dove Men+Care product line. Instead of dad taking care of everyone else, Dove is calling on fathers to take better care of themselves for a change.

What makes this product promotion great is the fact that Dove uncovered the concept through a data-driven approach. Through their research studies, “Care Makes a Man Stronger” and “Google Dove Men+Care New Dad Survey,” Dove found that men feel more equipped to better care for their families when they believe they have taken better care of themselves.

Dove built a multi-channel marketing strategy with this in mind. Why is the resulting multimedia news release content we love, you ask? I’ll tell you:

1. The most notable part of this campaign is Dove’s video montage of real dads finding out they are going to become fathers. It has been posted to YouTube and other social channels making it very accessible to consumers. Video is also the best way to capture this type of highly emotional moment. Showing real-life, heartwarming experiences we can all relate to is an effective and easy way to keep your audience interested.

2. Through their data, Dove found that fathers are actively embracing digital platforms. They are sharing more photos and videos and posting status updates on a daily basis. Embedded in Dove’s press release is an interactive call to action that encourages men to post their fatherhood experiences and engage with other dads on social media via the #RealStrength hashtag.

3. Ever have that feeling “If I had known then what I know now…”? Yeah, me too. Another fantastic aspect of this campaign is Dove giving current dads the opportunity to write an open letter to expecting dads that offers advice and encouragement. Dove has teamed with emerging publisher to create the “To All Dads” series, an educational, user-generated forum for first time fathers to learn about the experience that lies ahead.

4. Timing is everything in life, so why not launch your product around an international holiday like Father’s Day? Creating a campaign that encourages men to take care of themselves, with a product designed to do just that, on a holiday centered around that idea is a home-run.

Any parent can tell you just how important it is to take care of your children and family. Sometimes, though, it takes someone else to remind you that if you don’t take care of yourself, it makes it pretty difficult to take care of anyone else.

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This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Content We Love: Dove Men+Care Celebrates Dad’s First Fatherhood Moments

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Radhika Sivadi