Nightmare managers: These bosses make it Halloween 365 days of the year in the office.

Radhika Sivadi

< 1 min read ·


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Managers come in all forms. Some are fantastic, some dreadful. But who hasn't experienced a nightmare boss? Perhaps even one deserving of a special costume for Halloween. It might not scare the neighborhood kids, but it'll certainly scare their parents! Here for a bit of Halloween fun are XX bosses from your nightmares.

First of all, let's be clear. What exactly IS a boss?

Next – let's move straight on to the boss from Hell – the one for whom nothing is EVER good enough.

This link will take you to an example of a seemingly innocuous boss, but one that is deadly in practice – the disorganized manager.

Discipline is an issue that undermines the best of managers. This link shows you the unready, the silent, the terse and the sarcastic managers in full flight.

And one thing that is sure to bring out the monster in every manager is the performance review.

But perhaps the biggest nightmare of all is the clueless boss…

For more information about good and bad management practices presented in a fun manner take a look at VideoArts.

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Radhika Sivadi