How to Make Your Content Infinitely Shareable

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


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Is there any better feeling than watching a steady stream of traffic flow into your site from content that your friends, fans, and followers have shared on social media? Although dreams of virality will often remain just that, there’s no denying the thrill of seeing your content being shared.

So, just how do you get that content shared? Rule #1, and the absolutely-positively-without a doubt most important one to remember – write content that’s worth being shared. Seriously!! Don’t be lazy…don’t write garbage…don’t forget to edit yourself…don’t overlook typos and glaring grammar. Just don’t.

And now here are a few other tips to help you make your content shareable:

1) Attach A Prize
People love free things. In fact, one of the best ways to bait your followers is by promising them something free of charge. Offer a fun bonus to anyone that shares, or let them share something free, such as an eBook, with their readers.

2) Write Content That’s Worth Being Shared

3) Make The Headline/Title Catchy
The old adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” does not carry over to blog post titles. Spend some time on your titles because they are worth their weight in gold. Your audience will often decide whether to read, or share, based on title alone.

4) Write Content That’s Worthy of Shares

5) Make Your Content Friendly
Write like you’re talking to your friends, not like you are authoring a textbook. Let your personality (and your brand’s personality) shine through. Boring, dry content is lonely content.

6) Write Content That’s Worth Being Shared. For real!

So to sum up: add a fun bonus to your content, make the headline/title catchy, write in a friendly tone, and DON’T WRITE CRAP! Any questions?

Source: HireInfluence

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: How to Make Your Content Infinitely Shareable

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Radhika Sivadi