Expand Your Personal Brand with Industry Influencers

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


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shutterstock_268959536In order for a personal brand to convert leads into sales, the right marketing strategies need to be in place.

Trust is established through being actively involved with your audience, posting relevant and useful content, and market research. Creating a relationship with influencers in your industry will help accelerate this process.

Authority and influence is top dog in today’s social-driven marketplace. Your brand’s reputation is seen through who your connections are and how authentic your persona is. Recommendations of those in your industry can attract more leads and sales and help launch your personal brand into a whole new level in your industry.

How exactly can you reach out to the right people or companies? Through a well thought out plan, discipline and focus. By listing your initial marketing goals your brand can develop a good starting point in order to approach influencers more easily.

The brand that displays a phony perception will always be overlooked, as transparency and reputation will always attract attention. Social media is the place where the true test of originality and trust are built, especially on places like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Instagram.

How to connect your brand with high-level influencers

Through an active and dedicated social media marketing plan your personal brand will be able to open the doors of communication with the right people in your industry.

Here are a few places to begin:

• Networking on LinkedIn – Join professional groups in your niche and begin interacting with like-minded individuals. By sharing useful information and offering helpful comments your brand can build up a network of supporters with whom you can establish a trusted relationship. Invite others to connect with your company on LinkedIn, and thank them with a personalized InMail message.

• Facebook and Twitter are still on top – Your industry is most likely very active on these two social networks. Get involved with the content they are posting as well as sharing your own brand’s personal selection of memes, videos, and blog content. As you spread the word on their information you will gain their attention, but you will want to approach this at a slow pace so as not to appear too spammy.

• Get personal with images – Show the human side of your personal brand with company images and videos on both Instagram and Pinterest, which are growing each day in the number of followers and interactions. Follow those in your industry with whom you would like to connect with and start commenting on their posts and pins.

• Build your SEO and connections – Google Plus is not only a popular social network for brands, but it is also a good place to post your content for visibility in search. Google Circles are a great way to add other influencers to your network and build influence. Active communication on their posts will open the doors for them to add your brand to their circles as well.

Making the right connections for your personal brand is a daily process with careful attention to how your audience is responding. With stellar content and meaningful communication you can build better relationships with those in your industry who can help bring more eyes to your business.


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Radhika Sivadi