7 Mobile Apps Every Marketer Should Be Using Now

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


A marketer’s day-to-day has evolved over the years. Lately, it almost seems that every year, hundreds of new apps are released selling that it’s going “to change the way we work”. Most either have a strong presence in the beginning and fizzle out or add more work to our already overflowing pile of tasks and objectives.

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Let’s look at 7 mobile apps who have done it and are must-haves for you and your team:

Note: I refrained from using specific social media tools (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Periscope, Meerkat, etc…) to help focus the conversation on mobile productivity apps and ways to help with your day-to-day productivity. List is also in alphabetical order, not of any importance or relevance.

1. Dropbox

Dropbox is an all in one online storage solution for your team. With versioning controls and shared folders with anyone (including people who don’t have a dropbox account), it gives you the piece of mind in keeping all of your documents constantly available in real-time across your entire team.

2. Evernote

Evernote is an all in one modern workspace. You can write notes and checklists, organize all of your favorite web articles and photos and use for project management tasks and deadlines with your team. With its flexibility and sustainability across multiple platforms, it’s a beautiful app that will help save you and your team time.

3. Feedly

Feedly is a great way to organize all of your RSS feeds and favorite websites into one source of viewing. By categorizing your RSS feeds, you are now able to view all of your content in one “newsfeed”, cutting your web browsing time going from website to website exponentially. This is a great app for analyzing fellow industry leaders in your space

4. Google Analytics

If you are a marketer, you have at one point used Google Analytics in your career. For the price of FREE, you are given an amazing opportunity to start reporting on your visitors in your website and begin seeing the conversion paths for your customers. The Analytics app is a great way to see your data in real-time and on the go.

5. Google Drive

Google Drive is a free file and online storage platform for not only your Google documents, sheets, slides and drawings, but everything else can be stored there as well for ease of access anywhere. Access and sharing permissions can be configured from the mobile app, along with a search feature of everything in your drive, saving you searching folder after folder for the right document.

6. Trello

Trello is a simple, yet effective project management tool ideal for teams looking to understand and keep . Following the agile development model, the app uses “lanes” to identify columns of where specific tasks or “cards” are in the process of your project. You can check your tasks on the go, move them into new lanes or create new ones to keep your project organized. Assigning due dates and labels gives the app a great way to segment your tasks in a multitude of different ways, keeping your project notes, attachments and tasks all in one place.

7. WordPress

As of March 2015, 23% of all websites globally use WordPress. With its simple setup, and a very engaged community of users developing 3rd party plugins, it’s very evident that most marketers are utilizing WordPress in some way. The mobile app gives you the chance to post directly from your phone and make quick edits across multiple sites. If you have Jetpack installed, you can also view stats of your pages in real time.

These apps offer great features to help keep you and your team on track and collaborating effectively while also giving you back time in the day to focus on more marketing efforts.

What apps are you using on a daily basis?

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 7 Mobile Apps Every Marketer Should Be Using Now

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Radhika Sivadi