6 Ways to Make Your Digital Platforms More Human

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


As digital teams, we sit at our weekly meetings discussing KPIs and metrics to measure how well our programs are going. Is this the right artwork? How well did that one compare to last year’s? What is our conversion rate? Where are we seeing the visitor abandon? We have to bridge a wide range of platforms—web, social, mobile—to craft the story of how well our programs are going. What are we really doing? We’re trying to see if we’re getting traction in our audience. We want to know if we can see empirical indications that we’re winning hearts and minds.

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What are we really doing? We’re trying to see if we’re getting traction in our audience. We want to know if we can see empirical indications that we’re winning hearts and minds.

20 years ago, these were not the discussions that filled conference rooms. But now, with the way digital permeates our everyday lives, brands have a whole new line into the customer. Digital provides a new pipeline of opportunities, providing a tangible, immersive way to introduce your audience to your brand. Brands are experiences. Digital is the vehicle. Hidden within those KPIs are a story: a story that tells you how your customer receives your brand message.

But the most important thing to remember in any digital program? It’s a human behind that screen, deciding whether or not to click.

The best digital experiences are crafted around how humans think, evaluate, interact, and decide. Want to see the research behind this? I’m compiling it as we speak I want to make sure to send it to you personally as soon as it’s ready. Your comments are encouraged, opinions welcome, and my favorite reminder of all? Sharing is caring!

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 6 Ways to Make Your Digital Platforms More Human

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Radhika Sivadi