Video: Where Facebook Marketers Spend the Most

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·



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Between affordable 4K technology, amazing interactive music videos like Björk’s new 360-degree release, and the growth in live-stream/social video platforms, there’s a lot for marketers to be excited about in the world of video. Facebook doesn’t generally top out the list of “exciting video news.” However, a new report from Social Bakers reveals that video could lead the way into the future of Facebook advertising.

Marketers Back Facebook Videos With More $ Per Post
When marketers have to decide what type of Facebook post will get the biggest boost, they tend to choose video, reports Social Bakers. As we discussed earlier this June, marketers are finding increased organic reach and increased fan reach with native Facebook videos. It makes sense that Facebook advertisers are sinking a sizable portion of their marketing budget into native video content.

What Do Marketers Want to Do With Their Ads?
This quarter, it’s all about conversions. Website conversions became the most prized ad objective trend on Facebook, while Page Likes and Website Clicks trailed off from Q4 2014.

Video views remain the least popular ad objective, which makes sense considering that it’s the only content-specific type of objective. (That is to say, all Facebook pages can promote a website, page likes, or general post engagement, but video views require having a video, which not all Facebook pages do.)

Nevertheless, more video views – as an ad objective – continues to steadily climb from Q3 2014 to Q1 2015.


Native Facebook Videos Receive Disproportionately High Engagement

And that’s a good thing… if you’re willing to learn the art of creating a great native Facebook video. Currently, native Facebook videos account for only 5% of the platform’s content. So, those who take advantage of this market opportunity now can potentially see some amazing benefits.

The influx of native Facebook videos will happen soon. Social video leaders like GoPro and MTV actually posted more videos to Facebook than to YouTube in 2014.

Money for Video Views Increases (As Percentage of Ad Objective Spend)
Money spent on attaining video views has surpassed money spent on mobile app installs (as a percentage of brands’ total ad objective spends). I imagine it won’t be long before we see video views even surpass Page Likes as a desired metric.


How Do You See Native Facebook Videos Developing This Year?
Do you think we’ll see more native Facebook videos from brand Pages? Does video promotion perform better than other ad targets on your Facebook pages?

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Video: Where Facebook Marketers Spend the Most

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Radhika Sivadi