Content Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2015

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·



Content is King – that’s as true today as it was when Bill Gates said it in 1996. Content marketing as a whole made great strides in 2014 with increased focus on developing audiences, engaging users on social media, and focusing on rich web content across every industry. In fact, over 78 perfect of content marketing firms are focusing on custom content in order to engage organically with audience members.

Moving into 2015, it’s important for content marketers to look back on what worked and what didn’t in the previous year in addition to looking forward to coming changes that could impact the industry as a whole.

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Facebook’s renewed emphasis on video and Google’s ownership of YouTube show that both digital media heavyweights are looking to capitalize on their captive audiences through targeted advertising and marketing sales. The increased importance of video might catch some content marketers off-guard as audiences move away from traditional blogs and text-heavy content. This will be a good year for freelance videographers, to be certain!

All-Inclusive Content Marketing

Several companies and firms offer full-service content marketing that spread the same branding and product philosophies across multiple venues. Consistency in approach, style, and messaging is key to maintain a unique and natural tone for the company in question. Bigger firms offer and can handle bigger clients, such as the Coca-Cola marketing firm Contently, but these services often scale. Small businesses and individuals can’t afford these services, but others exist in the marketplace to serve smaller clients.

Build Influence

Key if you’re a small, up-and-coming brand, enlisting the help of an “influencer” can boost the visibility of a brand or product. For instance, if you have a highly regarded personality in the blogging or social media community, you can reach out to discuss the possibility of a pseudo-product highlight. It’s not a sponsorship or like hiring a spokesperson, but engaging with them and saying, “We like you, we think you’ll like us, what can we do together?” Approaching it more like a relationship rather than a transaction, which could throw some traditional marketers for a loop. Also, going after a big fish right off the bat could easily backfire in the era of social media and viral embarrassments, so thinking about working with an upcoming talent rather than an established one could pay dividends in the long run.

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Radhika Sivadi