How to be a Pinterest Marketing Pro

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


Facebook and Twitter are great ways to promote your website but the world of Pinterest is a spectacular, visual social media network for you to be discovered by potential clients. With Pinterest having 250,000,000 monthly visitors, it would be a mistake not to start promoting your business through it. Pinterest could become a powerful channel for your content marketing. So, if you have yet to catch onto the Pinterest craze or aren’t sure how to become a Pinterest marketing pro, here’s how:

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pinterest marketing pro

Create pin boards When creating your Pinterest boards, think about what you are interested in along with what your target audience is interested in too. You need to create multiple boards with different categories such as your featured products, lovely places you want to travel to, your favorite food, products you feel like you can’t live without, etc. When creating a title for each board, you do not have to use basic titles that Pinterest suggests (Home, Food, Clothes, etc.). Instead, rename your boards with creative, descriptive titles that will help Pinterest users find your content.

Ready…Set…Start Pinning. One of the best features of pinning on Pinterest is that a link is automatically included back to the source of the pinned photo. For example, if you pin a sweater from Forever 21 and click on the image, you will be directed to Forever 21 and will be able to purchase the sweater if desired. The same will happen when you pin photos from your own website or blog. Pinning your blog posts will add a link back to your blog which will increase traffic.

Pin Smart. Always pin relatable infographics, great products, interesting news articles, etc. to a board on your Pinterest. If the content relates to your target audience, then pin it. You will be surprised by how other Pinterest users will begin to interact with you, visit your website and/or blog, and repin your content.

Download the “Pin It” button. You can get in the habit of pinning content with the “Pin it” button that you can download for your toolbar. This makes it easier to pin throughout the day so you can be frequently updating your boards. Check out our previous blog on how to download the button here.

Download the Tailwind Extension The smartest way to schedule your pins on Pinterest efficiently is through yours truly. You can save time by scheduling multiple pins at once and measure your success on Pinterest and track repins, likes, comments, and traffic. You can discover what users are saying about your business and monitor your products, campaigns and competitors.

Increase your Audience. You can promote your Pinterest boards through other social media networks by including a link to your boards when you tweet or update your status via Twitter and/or Facebook. This will increase your Pinterest audience. However, always be aware of how frequently you post your content. If you do not post enough you will lose your followers’ interest. If you post too much you could easily annoy your followers.

Interact on Pinterest. One of the best ways to interact with other Pinterest users who are current clients or potential clients is by choosing to follow a user, comment on one of their pins, like their pinned photo, or repin their photo to one of your boards. The more interactive you are, the more results you will see as other Pinterest users begin to return the favor to your pins.

Let others promote for you. Another great way for you to be discovered through Pinterest is by people who visit your website pinning what they loved onto their Pinterest. Install a Pin it button across all pages and blog posts on your website. If you do not already have one, you can learn how to here.

Use these tips to help you market like a pro on Pinterest. Happy pinning!

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: How to be a Pinterest Marketing Pro

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Radhika Sivadi