Facebook Is Becoming More Imperative In The Job Market

Radhika Sivadi

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Facebook Is Becoming More Imperative In The Job Market image facebook 2 1 300x199Facebook Is Becoming More Imperative In The Job MarketAccording to a recent report, around 65% of jobseekers are more likely to use Facebook over professional networking site, LinkedIn for their next job search.

Interestingly the report also states that whilst 80% of LinkedIn users are on Facebook, merely 30% of Facebook users are on LinkedIn.

The report itself however, only goes to enforce one conducted by hr software experts; Computers in Personnel and Lab 42 which studied the use of social networks in the job market.

In the survey, 300 employers were interviewed as to how they used differing platforms of social media to screen job applicants. The survey found that a total of 91% of the employers had screened job applicants via social networking:

  • 76% of employers used Facebook
  • 53% used Twitter
  • 48% used LinkedIn

It is interesting therefore to note that both employers and jobseekers are both using Facebook more than LinkedIn, with Twitter also being favoured by employers.

What is perhaps more significant than anything is how the screenings affected the decisions of the employers. Out of those which stated that they used the screening technique, 61% said that they had actually rejected people on the basis of what they found on profiles.

While most people use such platforms to communicate with friends and family, as well as upload pictures from the weekend, few jobseekers could actually realise the detrimental effect that this could have on their job search.

Out of the 61% of employers who rejected potential employees, they found that:

  • 13% rejected candidates because their profile showed that they lied about their qualifications during their application
  • 11% showed poor communication on their profile
  • 11% had inappropriate photographs and comments
  • 10% showed drug references
  • 7% shared confidential information on their profile

Amongst these, discriminatory comments, talk about previous employment and references to drinking also put off employers.

The news however isn’t all bad as the survey also showed that maintaining a good profile, whether on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter can work in favour of jobseekers.

As well as employers who had rejected the candidates, they also found that a massive 68% had actually hired candidates after screening their social pages:

  • 39% hired because the candidate showed presence of a positive personality.
  • 36% hired because they found that the profiles had supported the candidate’s qualifications. The same number hired because the candidate showed elements of creativity.
  • 34% had good references.
  • 33% showed good communication skills as well as showing a well-rounded personality.
  • 24%of employers found hidden awards or qualifications within the candidates profile pages.

Whilst this may signal both bad and good news to job seekers, depending on how they use their social profiles, it is also interesting to note the timing in which the employers would choose to view the profiles:

  • 47% screened after receiving the application
  • 27% after an initial conversation with the candidate
  • 14% after a detailed conversation
  • 4% moments before making an offer

For those who do not choose to protect their Facebook or Twitter profiles, the survey only goes to highlight the necessity of safeguarding profiles from prying eyes; especially during a job search.

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Radhika Sivadi