Tweets Will Soon Be Visible In Google Search Results In Real-Time

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


February 4, 2015 was a big day in social media—and subsequently many other industries. Twitter and Google signed a deal that will once again allow tweets to be searchable in real-time. Since this news landed, opportunistic chatter amongst marketers has erupted.

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Tweets Will Soon Be Visible in Google Search Results in Real-Time

So, what’s the big deal?

This news brings excitement for marketers because of the visibility and accessibility it will bring to the table. Until now, except for their similar deal from 2009-2011, Google had to individually crawl through tweets—delaying searchability and decreasing the probability of users finding information. Now, Google has access to Twitter’s stream of 6,000 tweets per minute from 284 million users—and tweets will be searchable instantaneously.

What’s in it for marketers?

Accessibility. Visibility. Real-time access. All of these words add up to one thing: a huge opportunity for marketers. And in order to cash in on that opportunity, the industry will need to keep a few things in mind.

SEO matters!

Now that your tweets can be searched, they need to be optimized so that they’re found. By developing rich keywords, engaging content and excellent SEO strategy, your tweets will stand a better chance of showing up in Google’s top results. Also keep in mind that you will have to do all of this in 160 characters or less.

Post often

Timing is of the essence even more now because top search results pull from the newest information. Companies that post more frequently will most likely watch their tweets rise to the top. Just remember to use relevant information that your target audience will respond to.

Everyone is watching

With every pro comes some cons. One happens to be the amount of exposure your tweets will receive once published. While marketers can look forward to their Twitter information being found outside of the Twitter platform, marketers will need to be even more careful what they share. Think even more carefully what you post, because it will cast to an even larger viewing audience.

Streamline your accounts

When Twitter and Google are doing the industry such a huge favor by making content searchable as soon as a user presses “tweet,” you don’t want to mislead your clients by forgetting to give your social media presence a cohesive look. You will want to provide a streamlined experience for prospects and clients as they visit all of your different online resources—including your website, social media accounts, etc.

Keep an eye out for new information

As Google prepares to add this functionality to their search engine, be on the lookout for additional industry insight. The best way to harness the power of technology is to research what other brands are doing—so you can alter, improve and implement those strategies to benefit your business and clients. We’ll continue to monitor progress and post updates to our blog to help keep you informed and up to date.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Tweets Will Soon Be Visible In Google Search Results In Real-Time

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Radhika Sivadi