Five9 Review – Cloud Contact Center Software

Radhika Sivadi

4 min read ·


Customer connections are everything to a business, and yet it’s not always easy to build personal connections in an online environment. Five9 is a platform that provides businesses of all sizes with the infrastructure to launch their own cloud contact centers. Agents can interact with customers and companies can achieve clear, measurable results. Five9 empowers businesses and eliminates the barriers that hinder communication.

In this Five9 review, I will evaluate the platform’s strongest features. Integration capabilities will be a key focus, as will scalability, reliability, and user controls. By looking at the Five9 inbound, outbound, and blended solutions, I hope to gain a clearer understanding of the types of users the system is designed to support.

About Five9

Five9 offers cloud contact center software that businesses can use to give their agents a competitive advantage. The company’s virtual contact center suite includes inbound, outbound, and blended solutions, along with integrated multichannel solutions, cloud APIs for application integration, and contact center management applications. Using these tools, agents can maximize their productivity and utilize downtime to answer emails, voicemail, chat, web inquiries, and inbound messages.

Five9 is built on a flexible architecture, which gives businesses the ability to adapt the platform based on their own unique needs and constraints. By not having to maintain their own physical contact center infrastructure, companies can keep a sharper focus on the real issue at hand—building stronger relationships with their most loyal customers.

Main Functionality of Five9

The Five9 contact center software provides inbound, outbound, and blended solutions. When companies use Five9 to power their inbound contact centers, they can take advantage of agent scripting, priority routing, interactive voice response (IVR) with speech recognition, computer telephone integration (CTI), and automated post-call survey routing. The infrastructure is just as adept at managing outbound and blended solutions, providing agents with accelerated calling productivity and proactive response tools.

Companies can automate blended business rules as a way to proactively follow up on abandoned calls or customer service issues during slower periods of the day. They can also use Five9 to locate leads, bolster contact ratios, and decrease the average time it takes to close a qualified deal. Leveraging Five9 workflow rules and agent scripting, companies can drive more prospects through the conversion funnel and exceed their sales goals.

Benefits of Using Five9

By providing a responsive customer contact center, businesses can distinguish themselves from competitors and position themselves as more “consumer focused” brands. The hiccup that has traditionally held companies back from offering advanced support to customers is the cost. In-house customer service centers are expensive to staff and time consuming to manage. That’s where Five9 comes into play.

Using Five9’s web-based infrastructure and sophisticated routing capabilities, companies are able to exceed their customers’ expectations. Automated post-call surveys help to ensure that customers are satisfied after interacting with agents. Meanwhile, priority routing guarantees that people inquiring about high-value programs are moved to the top of the queue and routed to the most experienced agents.

The Basics: What Does the Interface Look Like?

Agents begin their day by logging into the Agent application and setting their status to “ready” when they’re prepared to begin assisting customers, clients, and potential sales leads.

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When a customer calls in, that person’s contact info is automatically displayed on the agent’s screen. Typical customer information provided by Five9 includes name, address, company, and previous interactions with the contact center. Custom data can be included, as well.

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Five9 can provide agents with an appropriate script to enhance the customer experience and capture important business data. For example, if a telecommunications carrier’s customer recently purchased a smartphone, then Five9 can automatically provide the agent with a script that includes the answers to the questions most frequently asked by smartphone purchasers.

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Support Information

It makes sense that a company focused on building cloud contact centers would provide top-level customer support. New customers are encouraged to review the online training and user documentation materials available in the Five9 University portal. Each customer is also assigned a dedicated Implementation Manager,” who provides one-on-one training and configuration to ensure a successful deployment. Ongoing support is provided around the clock, with premium options available for accelerated support SLAs, dedicated technical account managers, and geographic redundancy.

Pricing Information

Five9 offers flexible pricing solutions depending on a company’s individual needs. Prices for Five9’s cloud contact center start at $185 per month on a subscription basis, with bundled long distance fees. Volume and annual-term discounts are available. Free trials are also available, with no credit card required.

The Bottom Line

By adopting Five9 software, companies are able to access the same features and tools as traditional on-premise contact center infrastructure, but at a fraction of the long-term price and maintenance hassle. Agents can be located anywhere, and they can manage virtually anything from their desktop computers. Advanced tools like IVR help contact center administrators design an optimal experience for their clients. Callers can even elect to receive callbacks from agents during especially busy periods. Overall, Five9 appears to be an excellent system for any business looking for ways to improve the service it offers valued customers.

Ratings: ease of use 5/5, features 5/5, value 5/5

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Radhika Sivadi