Google Collections, Should I Even Bother?

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


Google Collections, what? Not Google+ again!

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If you are like me, you started Google+ with a gung-ho attitude, but you slowly lost interest in the dashboard. And so you may wonder why I even want to talk about Google Collections.

SEO is why I still have hope for Google+ and Collections.

No matter what platform or algorithm Google throws at us, at the end of the day, posting on this platform injects your specific keywords into the massive search engine that we all love, love, love.


Why Would I Want To Start Using Google Collections?

The simple answer is to have all of your posts organized into specific topics.

Google Collections allows you to create groups where you can keep specific content that applies to that group.

Then people who follow you and enjoy the same topics can follow those specific groups, and get updates every time you post an article in that group.

You can also be keyword specific in these collections, instead of trying to think of every keyword that you might use on one post. Now use keywords that apply to that collection.

For example, say you own a Plant Nursery.

On your Google+ page, you could create Collections like Summer Plants, New Gardening Tools, Tips For Summer Planting, etc.

Then you could post topic-specific information into each collection, and followers of those collections have instant access to the articles.

Gardening Example: Trippin’ in the Garden on Miracle Gro (I have to admit after looking at this collection, I wonder if I could get the same results with my brown thumb!)

How about if you want to sell items that you create?

Why not create collections based on the different items that you sell?

Entice your customers to follow the Collection by posting coupons and sale information in the specific Collection?

Then you KNOW you are targeting the right demographic because if they are following that Collection, then they are interested in learning more about those products.

Selling Example: Paul Strickland Art (So cute!)

What if you are a popular speaker, blogger, or marketer?

Dedicate numerous collections to each of your different areas of expertise and post content specific information in each collection.

Now your followers can follow what they are passionate about learning from you, and they can find your content and post it on their communities! That’s sharing and Caring right there.

Mark Traphagen pulls this off with ease: Best Social Media Marketing Content, Traphagen’s Takeout Order Marketing Tips Podcast and Best SEO Content

How Do I Create A Collection?

Oh I am SO glad you have asked!

On your personal profile you will see the word “Collections” as the third link under your information.

Click on that link and scroll down to create your first collection and start posting away!

Your profile will display a new tab where your follows can find and then follow your Collections:


If one of your followers follows your collection, the post will still show up in their news feed, BUT if they click on the Collection link, they will be taken directly to the specific Collection that you posted in.

Again, I say it makes it much easier share information when it is put directly in front of your followers!

In my humble opinion, I still think everyone should have a Google+ presence.

Claim that local listing, and make sure you have a Google Business Page with your companies name as well.

If used correctly and strategically, Google Collections could be a great way to showcase blogs, articles, products, podcasts and anything else you want to show off to your community.

With target keywords within these Collections, you can only help your SEO rankings in a search!

Are you already using Collections? Would you suggest Collections to someone who is hesitant to come back to Google+? Why would you not use Collections? Let me know what you think!

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Google Collections, Should I Even Bother?

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Radhika Sivadi