9 Personality Quiz Examples For Content Marketing

Radhika Sivadi

6 min read ·


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personality quiz for content marketing

Growing up, pop quizzes were the worst — eyes rolling, kids grumbling. But the same students who faked sick to get out of a pop quiz in high school pounce on Buzzfeed’s addictive quizzes.

Why is that?

Unlike the old-fashioned pop quiz, personality assessments teach us about ourselves. They refine our personal understanding, giving us an opportunity to share who we are with the world. In an age of social media, they start digital conversations, garnering “likes,” “comments” and even “shares” among groups of friends and colleagues.

As a marketer, you can harness the influence of personality quizzes to strengthen your bond with a community and gain valuable feedback on your audience. Here are 10 examples of brand quizzes that help users learn something new about themselves. Get ready to be inspired to create your own interactive content!

1. What Kind of Morning Person Are You?

What Kind of Morning Person Are You?

Mornings are a tricky thing — most of us would rather stay in bed than perk up and turn on the coffee machine. O Magazine’s “What Kind of Morning Person Are You” gives readers valuable information about the best kind of routine to kick off their mornings based on their answers to thoughtful questions about their habits. Part of what makes O Magazine’s assessment so successful is that it ties in IKEA as a sponsor – not only into the website but the topic of the quiz, too.

Takeaway: You can easily incorporate sponsors while offering high-engagement content — this assessment yielded a 78% app completion rate!

2. What’s Your Inner Purple Squirrel?

What's Your Inner Purple Squirrel?

Payscale, a compensation information company, integrated the concept of a “purple squirrel” (a rare, perfect hire) into a personality assessment for prospective leads. Their intention with this piece was to build prospect profiles while boosting booth visits at an upcoming event. Find Your Inner Purple Squirrel filled both needs, bringing in 1,200 leads and increasing the numbers of visitors to their booth. With its fun answers and engaging color scheme, it drew in the attention of B2B prospects.

Takeaway: With email marketing engagement reaching an all-time high, your company would benefit from integrating assessments into email campaigns. Get creative with your marketing plan, integrating assessments to lead up to events or product releases.

3. What Style of Home Are You?

What Style of Home Are You?

DISCOVER reached their target audience by focusing on homebuyers who needed to know which home designs suited their personalities. Discovery found their niche by asking questions that had nothing to do with houses — about favorite kinds of food, TV preferences and even the ideal Sunday afternoon. Through engaging questions that hit a seemingly random array of topics, Discovery pulled together unexpected answers that delighted their audience.

Takeaway: Your questions do not necessarily need to be directly related to the topic — instead, go bold. Offer entertainment with unexpected queries that add up to a meaningful insight into the behaviors of your audience.

4. What’s Your Shark Personality?

What's Your Shark Personality?

To complement their video programming, Discovery’s Shark Week created a personality quiz that educated and entertained audiences. They linked the distinct traits of different sharks to the personality of audience members who relish any connection to the ultimate predator. The best part of this quiz is how easy it is to share — Shark Week created the ultimate opportunity for viral content, while building buzz for a yearly event.

Takeaway: Encourage social sharing — interactive content generates attention in social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Empower your audience by making it easy for them to share with friends.

5. What’s Your Disney Strength?

What's Your Disney Strength?

Disney is a perennial favorite in the content world, bringing individuals back to their childhoods within seconds. In the quiz, “What is Your Disney Strength” audience members learn about their own strengths through the lens of beloved icons like Nemo, Ariel and Cinderella. Disney’s brand is successful because it speaks to the child in all of us, while capitalizing on a cohesive brand personality that has developed from Micky Mouse into a global enterprise.

Takeaway: Honor your brand personality. For Disney, the personality is whimsical but filled with meaning. What words would you use to describe your company?

6. What Kind of Technology Adopter Are You?

What Kind of Technology Adopter Are You?

Assessments don’t have to be about princesses and cartoon characters to offer a valuable service to the user. EMC engaged B2B buyers with a personality assessment about technology adoption. The average consumer wouldn’t understand or resonate with their questions, but that doesn’t matter! The true impact of an assessment is in attracting and maintaining the attention of the right audience.

Takeaway: Don’t try to be all things to all people. When you target B2B buyers, hone in on industry-specific topics that speak to your audience’s pain points and offer real solutions.

7. How’s Your Sales-Marketing Relationship?

How's Your Sales-Marketing Relationship?

DemandGen created a quiz that perfectly matched their niche: a relationship assessment for sales/marketing alignment. As this awesome example illustrates, any topic can be transformed into an impactful quiz. How do you find out if your prospect is experiencing sales/marketing alignment or not? You could offer a white paper on the importance of a strong relationship… or you could ask them how they’re doing.

Takeaway: Don’t keep your thought leadership tied up in lengthy white papers. Get your value out into the world with a quick, fun personality quiz – and link out to the white paper for those who really want to read it.

8. Who’s Your Downton Abbey Style Icon?

Who's Your Downton Abbey Style Icon?

Who doesn’t love Downton Abbey? PBS capitalized on their hit show with assessments that further immersed viewers in the world of Downton. Their quiz “Who’s Your Downton Abbey Style Icon” built on the beautiful costumes of Downton Abbey, connecting their audience to the beauty of iconic fashions.

Takeaway: Immersion is a powerful motivator. When thinking about your next assessment, immerse your audience in visuals and the “feeling” that aligns with your desired impact — for PBS, it was elegance, history, and British charm.

9. Who’s Your Content Marketing Crush?

Who's Your Content Marketing Crush?

Who’s Your Content Marketing Crush” brings a light title to a positive discussion. Asking questions like, “What’s your favorite Will Ferrell character?” and “Which hashtag can you not live without?”, Marketo walks the line between silly and informative, marrying a fun approach with a meaningful impact. The best part of their quiz is that it captures rich data for their marketing team about the priorities and personalities of their leads.

Takeaway: When you create a quiz, figure out which questions your team wants answered and weave them into your conversation. You should always walk away with as much insight as was gained by your audience.

Ready to take the next step? Find out how you could use interactive content in your demand gen programs!

demand gen marketer's guide to interactive content

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 9 Personality Quiz Examples For Content Marketing

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Radhika Sivadi