How Small Biz Owners Share Holiday Cheer with Staff

Radhika Sivadi

< 1 min read ·



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As 2015 comes to a close, are you doing something special for your employees to thank them for getting your business through another year? Or are you among the 8 percent of small business owners who admit to being a bit of a Scrooge, who will do absolutely nothing?

According to the fall 2015 Bank of America Small Business Owner Report, 92 percent of small business owners intend to give some kind of “holiday-related perks” to their employees this year. That’s significantly more owners than expect to hit their revenue targets for the year. So, it’s not surprising that “perk” doesn’t necessarily mean cash or time off.  

The survey found that small business owners are more confident about hitting their year-end revenue goals this year than they were last year. More than 80 percent said it’s likely they will reach their targets.

Some will celebrate by sharing the cheer with staff:

  • 52 percent planned to offer holiday salary bonuses to their employees
  • 45 said they would host a holiday party
  • 44 planned to close the office during the holidays

The semi-annual phone survey reached 1,001 small business owners in the U.S. with annual revenue between $100,000 and $4,999,999 and employing between 2 and 99 employees. It explored the attitudes of small business owners around the country, with a specific focus on employee perks and year-end expectations.

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Radhika Sivadi