5 Reasons Why You Need a Buddy System

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


shutterstock_279393923If you have ever felt:

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  • Behind on projects
  • Uncertain how to handle delicate situations
  • Caught in the middle of opposing viewpoints

Then you may wish to seriously consider the following 5 reasons why you need a buddy system.


Boring tasks will keep us from accomplishing our important goals. Accountability is a tough one to tackle but when we face needing to report back to our buddy, it’s surprising how quickly we get these essentials out of the way. Your trusted partner does not need to be in your industry, but someone who cares enough about you and, likewise, you care about them.


Each Monday morning advise one another of the status of your bigger projects and what you will commit to completing toward that end. On Friday mornings, have a brief recap of your successes, what still needs to be followed up on, and possibly where you fell short. Given most of us wish to impress our accountability partners with success, it usually only takes once or twice in having to admit shortfalls that will get us past similar hurdles in the future. Arrange to meet in person monthly to share you personal goals, dreams and huge visions. The in-person connection usually serves to drive the motivation further.


On occasion, we do not see eye to eye with others and feel as if we are all alone trying to figure out the best route. With a buddy in place, instead of letting emotions run wild, you are able to factually speak to pros and cons, retrace steps, and come to an improved conclusion.

Sandwiched in the Middle

In the case where several people are involved in a mishap or miscommunication, be certain to begin a documentation trail. Save all correspondence and refer back to it when necessary. Even better is to review the documentation with your buddy. It will be easier to retrace where the missteps began. You will have an easier time offering solutions to fix the problems.

Up Your Game

Most of us are competitive to some degree. As the reporting in to your buddy appears to be working well, add higher-level goals to your list. This is what makes the difference for getting to the top of your game.

Having a Buddy makes the boring work bearable. And now the more challenging goals serve to motivate us to see them through to completion. It is this frame of mind that empowers your personal brand and the Smooth Sale!

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 5 Reasons Why You Need a Buddy System

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Radhika Sivadi