Grow Your Personal Brand’s Network With An Autoresponder

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


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shutterstock_160240730If your personal brand has a professional website this is just the first step to unlocking all of its potential. In order to be effective there must be a way to capture leads and create opportunities.

So what is one way to communicate with your audience? By implementing a personalized auto response email that is tailored to their needs, and provides a way for your brand to connect on a deeper level with your subscribers.

Capturing names and email addresses is just the first step to converting your personal brand’s leads into customers. Setting up a designated email campaign ensures that these new subscribers are not lost after the first visit.

How to make the most out of Autorepsonders

Here are several ways you can take your personal brand’s subscriber list to the next level and generate more interest in what you have to offer.

• Add value to their new subscription – A generic ‘thank you’ email is not enough to retain a new lead. Instead, offer something they might enjoy such as a free report, product or tips. This depends on the target market, and what their needs might look like.

• Follow up with a regular schedule – Once your brand has generated interest it’s important to create a regular time where there are follow-ups, special announcements, new information, ect. in order to build trust. The more you sow into your leads your personal brand increases its chances for conversions.

• Keep it simple – An email is more like to be read when it is not cluttered with too much information. Most autoresponder services like Aweber, Infusionsoft, and MailChimp offer templates to help your brand design a simple, and effective message. Include your branded logo and any links that will lead them to your website and social networks.

• Pay attention to email statistics – After sending out an autoresponse email be sure to track the clicks and opens in order to determine how successful these are. If your brand is not getting the response that it needs check your message and find out whether it’s drawing people in. This can be as simple as a catchy headline update or tweaking the email so that it captures their attention in a unique way.

• Get personal – Don’t be afraid to mention something personal about your brand, which can be anything from a holiday event to a daily life moment. This provides an opportunity to create a deeper relationship with your audience, and they will in turn become more interested in opening emails from your brand.

A successful auto responder email that is tailored to your personal brand’s message will not only retain your current subscribers, but will also encourage new visitors to your website. Try a variety of different campaigns with great offers for your leads and customers, and see how your sales increase.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Grow Your Personal Brand’s Network With An Autoresponder

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Radhika Sivadi