Good deed tracker rewards users with kindness points instead of likes

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·



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A good deed is a reward on its own, but there is certainly no harm in sharing said activity with friends. At least, that’s the thought behind PersonalHeroes, a new social platform which aims to track people’s behavior and give them kindness scores which they can proudly display online.

Aimed at the growing number of consumers who value kindness and positive impact higher than social media followers, PersonalHeroes is a start-up which will provide users with a data-driven pat on the back. The platform takes the form of an app through which users can tag the good deeds of others — whether it is something as small as helping someone carry a package upstairs or as big as donating an organ. These digital compliments are then processed by a custom algorithm which translates them into boosts to the user’s kindness score — good deeds will be judged according to how much positive impact they have, as well as how many people they effect. Scores will range from 0-1000 and users are automatically rewarded with their first points for signing up, and encouraged to pay 5 compliments.


PersonalHeroes launched a corporate Beta earlier this year with beverage giant Coca Cola, who used the platform to encourage positive action and feedback amongst workers. The platform should theoretically appeal to millennial employees, who according to PersonalHeroes founder Stephanie Knopel, require more attention and praise for their work than previous generations. Whether the system manages to fulfill its aim of illuminating positive deeds and encouraging graciousness, or simply leads to people performing kind acts with the ulterior motive of upping their score, it is really a win-win for the startup and society as a whole.

Personalheroes is expected to launch publicly in September. How else could our online profiles be shifted towards philanthropic pursuits?


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Radhika Sivadi