Anyone can learn coding for free by completing projects for nonprofits

Radhika Sivadi

< 1 min read ·


Photo: Michael Himbeault

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We have already seen the platform #charity enable IT professionals to donate their time and skills to nonprofits in need of their expertise. Now Free Code Camp lets learner coders help out too — it is an organization which enables anyone to learn programming languages such as JavaScript, and become a software engineer by working on projects for nonprofits.

Free Code Camp is an open source educational community with over 40,000 members. Users wanting to learn new tech skills are encouraged to code a little every day and attempt the platforms self-paced, browser-based challenges. The challenges are tasks that nonprofits need completing, which simultaneously teach users how to work with tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Databases, and more. Through Free Code Camp, users can gain real qualifications and skills on completion, and will be able to boast 800 hours of real world work experience after completing four extensive nonprofit projects.

Are the other skills that could be learned in a way that simultaneously benefit nonprofits?


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Radhika Sivadi