In-flight meditation program helps nervous fliers

Radhika Sivadi

< 1 min read ·



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On average, there are only 86 aviation accidents per year, and many of those occur on non-commercial flights. But for those with a fear of flying, statistics are unlikely to offer much reassurance. Instead, physical and mental comfort is the best remedy for pre-flight anxiety and airborne stress. With this in mind, British Airways has launched an in-flight meditation program, in collaboration with the Mindfulness Institute.

The program consists of three mindfulness guidance videos — led by instructor Mark Coleman — which aim to soothe the nerves of passengers for the full duration of their journey. The first is a four minute clip offering simple techniques to calm nervous fliers while they wait to board their plane. Next is a mid-flight video which includes simple meditation practices, and the final video is designed to help prepare passengers for their next activity once they disembark.

BA also offer health and wellbeing advice — including gentle exercises — on their website and in their in-flight magazine. How else could airlines help nervous passengers to relax?


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Radhika Sivadi