Platform helps bosses remember names, birthdays and favorite snacks

Radhika Sivadi

< 1 min read ·



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There are an enourmous number of apps and devices which can help management organize, monitor and reward their workforce, but one of the simplest ways to get the best work from employees is to make sure they feel recognized, valued and connected. Something as small as remembering a team member’s birthday can go a long way. In that vein, Awesome Boss is a start-up that aims to help management engage with and motivate their teams, with a more personal touch.

The online platform enables users to create a comprehensive database of personal details about their employees — such as coffee preference or spouse’s birthday — which they can access in times of forgetfulness. Awesome Boss sends text reminders of upcoming birthdays, work anniversaries and other important dates, along with gift ideas. The platform also offers 35 coaching cues cards and a number of online training videos. Cue cards cover everything from smelly employees to overwhelmed newcomers, offering sentences to help bosses handle problematic management situations.

Are there other ways to encourage good relations within the workforce?


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Radhika Sivadi