Content Marketing Beyond The Written Word

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


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Content Marketing

In the past few years, marketing has significantly shifted away from selling to consumers and towards connecting with consumers. “Push” strategies were successful when there was higher demand on one-way communication like TV commercials and print ads. Now, as the Internet becomes more social, consumers are demanding a different approach: One which engages their interests and showcases a personality behind a brand.

To meet the demands of these changes, businesses need to adjust their content marketing strategies. There are so many more opportunities available to professionals who expand beyond written text. Photos, videos, infographics, and social media campaigns are just a few examples of what a successful content marketing strategy can entail.

Each type of content holds its own strength and there are different techniques of how to best leverage this type of content for maximum exposure.

Support Everything with a Visual

There is a reason why social media networks like Pinterest and Instagram have skyrocketed in popularity: consumers are drawn to images. Not only are they more attractive to the eye, but our on-the-go culture does not leave as much time to sit down and read as it did a few years ago. By including relevant, eye-catching images in text-rich content, you can grab the attention of and increase the likelihood that viewers will continue to read the blog post or email blast. In fact, research has identified that a tweet that includes a photo receives 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets, according to Buffer.

Simplify Complex Messages with Infographics

Ever run into the issue of feeling as though there is too much information to communicate in one image? Perhaps a product launch is quite technical or new research statistics are being released. By illustrating these news pieces as an infographic, you can create the storyline in an organized and attention-grabbing manner.

Furthermore, combining visual and text into one document can really boost reader comprehension and interest. As social beings, it is in our instincts to share things that we deem as important. Infographics are one of the most shareable forms of content, delivering the possibility to expand your reach significantly.

Connect and Explain with Videos

If you need a way to connect more with an audience or showcase a product in movement, video is a must. Marketing and Web professionals have seen positive results from using this strategy as 82% of B2B marketers reported success, according to Demand Metric. However, it is critical that the overall goal of video is clearly defined before production in order to generate impressive ROI. Some additional elements to consider include: Who is the target audience? How will the call to action be communicated? What techniques are you going to use to promote the video? By thoroughly understanding these key features, you will be able to ensure the video will fulfill the end goal driving Web traffic and sales.

Any strong content strategy takes a significant amount of time to create and execute. When you take into consideration the reach and sales potential of generating such engaging content, it may be necessary to re-examine your current strategy.

At the end of the day, ask yourself: Can you afford not to go beyond the written word?

Photo Credit: ©

This article was previously published on the 1&1 Blog.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Content Marketing Beyond The Written Word

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Radhika Sivadi