The Inbound Marketing Trends Every CMO Should Know

Natalio Villanueva

3 min read ·


Ever heard someone say that being a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is the most dangerous title around? It’s not far from the truth. The digital marketplace is always shifting. So, how do you stay ahead? The key? Wayne Gretzky put it best: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” As a CMO, you need to follow that advice—move where the market is headed, not where it’s been.

Inbound Marketing Is Outshining Outbound Marketing

Inbound marketing isn’t just popular—it’s effective. Over 75% of companies prefer it over outbound marketing, compared to just 25% sticking with outbound. This is true across industries, whether you’re in B2B, B2C, or even a nonprofit.

And guess what? Paid ads? They’re considered the most overrated tactic. That’s according to companies that still favor outbound. Sure, if you’ve got extra cash to spend, you might experiment with outbound. But if you want real, long-term growth, inbound marketing is where you need to be.

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Chances are, you’re already heading in that direction. If not? Now’s the time to make the move. Inbound marketing is the future.

More Marketers Are Outsourcing Content Creation

Keeping up with the demand for high-quality content takes a lot of work. Your buyers want great content at every step of their journey—whether they’re just starting out or ready to buy. And they want it in different forms: blogs, videos, infographics… you name it.

That’s why 39% of companies are turning to outside help. It’s hard to create all that content in-house, so guest writers, freelancers, agencies, and writing panels are stepping in to fill the gap.

Trying to handle everything internally? It might be time to bring in some extra hands.

CMOs Are Embracing Marketing Automation to Boost ROI

How do you know if your marketing is paying off if you’re not tracking it? Spoiler: you can’t. That’s why top marketers are investing in marketing automation software—it helps you track your ROI and make smart decisions about what’s working and what’s not.

In the past, CMOs had to juggle multiple tools—CMS, social media publishing, email marketing, analytics, and CRM software. The problem? These tools don’t talk to each other, leaving you with data silos and no clear picture of your ROI.

Now, it’s all about using platforms that combine these functions, making tracking and optimizing your efforts easier. CMOs are catching on. In fact, 84% plan to invest in ROI measurement and marketing tools within the next 24 months. And 57% are doing it in the next 6 months.

The takeaway? If you’re not already using marketing automation, it’s time to get on board.

Marketing and Sales Teams Are Joining Forces as a “Revenue Team”

Remember the days when marketing would just toss leads over to sales and hope for the best? That approach isn’t cutting it anymore.

According to HubSpot, the biggest challenges for sales teams are closing more deals and improving funnel efficiency. And what does that depend on? The volume and quality of leads that marketing generates.

On top of that, companies say their top priorities are converting leads into customers and increasing the total number of leads. As a CMO, you’re right in the middle of both.

While marketing doesn’t close deals, you must set up a strategy that gives your sales team everything they need. Why? Because the buyer now controls the process. They’re using Google, social media, and email to research before they ever reach out.

Did you know the average buyer reads 11 pieces of content before deciding who to contact? Are you delivering those 11 pieces through the right channels at the right time?

Most marketing and sales teams are still working with different playbooks. This is where a service level agreement (SLA) comes in. It’s a contract between the two departments that sets clear goals, KPIs, and expectations for handling leads.

Companies with a powerful SLA between marketing and sales? They see some of the highest ROI.

New Best Practices for CMOs Who Want Top ROI

Want to know what the most successful CMOs are doing? Here’s a quick breakdown of the 5 best practices that are giving them the highest ROI:

  • Focus on Inbound Marketing – No matter the company size or budget, inbound marketing consistently delivers a higher ROI than outbound. Yes, even more than paid ads.
  • Track Your ROI – Top marketers use marketing automation tools to track, report, and optimize ROI. When they prove the impact on leads and sales, they can secure bigger budgets year after year.
  • Leverage Past Wins for Budget Increases – Showing success with inbound marketing is the #1 way CMOs secure more budget.
  • Use Both Internal and External Content Resources – CMOs don’t always have the bandwidth to produce all the content needed for inbound marketing. That’s why they’re using freelancers, agencies, and other external resources to keep the content flowing.
  • Check Your Analytics Often – Don’t wait until the end of the month. The best CMOs check their marketing data at least 3 times a week to see what’s working—and what’s not. And remember, you need actionable insights, not just raw data.

The CMO role is demanding and, as I experienced, has many eyes on its results. The key? Don’t stay stuck in the past. Mind or create the trends and move toward where the market is headed.

Natalio Villanueva