Mention online training and you may still be greeted by a frown.
Some individuals, SMEs, and Corporations still view this as a less preferred way of learning.
Yet, according to research done by the Ambient Insights, Asia is projected to have the highest growth rate for eLearning, aka online learning (see figure below).
Dig further and you’ll see that Malaysia ranks third among the top 10 countries in Asia with the highest growth rate for online learning (see figure 2 below).
While online learning can’t replace the dynamics of on-site live training workshops, the benefits of keeping employees up to date with new skills and the ability to learn whenever where ever cannot be ignored.
Asia is ready for massive eLearning growth
This is a $107 billion dollar industry where opportunity for growth is the largest in Asia led by India, China and Malaysia.
What a huge opportunity for my fellow trainer, teacher-friends in Asia who are passionate about education and personal development.
Could you build an online teaching business doing what you enjoy and are good at?

figure 2 data source: Ambient Insight
Could you?
Questions are swimming in your head now.
But what does it take to run an online learning business?
- Can solo-prenuers and individuals professionals do this on their own?
- Wouldn’t it be safer to attach to some online tutoring or training agencies and let them find the students for you while you focus on teaching?
- Or perhaps you can sell your courses on learning portals and let them do the promotion for you?
Freelance teaching / training / coaching is a good start
Sure, you can teach online as an independent trainer. But know that you’ll have very little control over the teaching approach, fee structure, and no access to the student database.
If you step out of your comfort zone and build a business out of your expertise not only can you teach online, you can do on on your own terms.
More on this later because educators make some of the best marketers.
Online learning industry and technology
Digital learning is not a new concept. One of my first job out of university was to design and author computer based training using a proprietary system. The manager thought my background in IT and education was perfect for this project.
We loaded these authored lessons onto servers and displayed them using touch screen terminals at designated kiosks on the premise. Employees used these to access information related to their work. This was a projects commissioned by a corporation with deep pockets; this was many years ago.
Now everyone can afford free and cost effective teaching tools which are intuitive to use. You don’t even need coding skills to produce your own e-lessons.
Technology is no longer an issue.
Technology has come a long way. Anyone with a laptop and an internet connection can conduct online lessons in real time or in pre-recorded mode.
If you believe you need a Learning Management Systems for a more sophisticated learning experience but are not fond of Moodle, that’s taken care of too. Affordable and user-friendly LMS are affordable and easy to deploy.
With the relevant domain knowledge and an openness to promote your service, you could make a business out of your passion and expertise.
However, you would still need to:
- Know what you are offering
- Know who you are serving
- Plan out the curriculum
- Design the lessons (in such a way that it is easy to consume)
- Produce it (whether in text, audio or video format)
- Build a name for your business as the expertise in your niche area and
- Market your course
Still seems like a lot, huh?
Educators have what it takes
Well, there is quite a bit involved in building an online business. But it is doable. Because:
- You already have the basic curriculum planning and teaching skills
- And you already possess some of the marketing skills.
Educators (teachers, trainers, coaches, and tutors) make good marketers because they have been using the same skills that marketers are now using. This infograph illustrates my point.
So does it look like this is a viable business for solo-prenurs, professionals, educators and small business owners?
The workforce continues to require new and up-grading of skills. This is an evergreen industry that has constant need.
If you are interested to know what’s required to start an online teaching business here’s a free report (no opt-ins required)
What’s your take on starting your online business?
This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Are You Starting Your Own Online Teaching Business?
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