Microsoft’s New Outlook App Might Have you Rethinking iOS Mail App

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·



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Mobile device users have never really jumped on the “Office Everywhere” concept. Sure, having applications on your phone that allow you to review and edit Office files is great, and Office 365 opens up a lot of flexibility for business owners and users. But what’s been missing from that equation is the Outlook application for mobile devices. In December Microsoft acquired the Acompli e-mail app and turned around the Outlook application two months later. Today we’re seeing a completely renovated Outlook application that’s a far cry from the OWA Outlook app that they launched. Truth be told, you may want to make the switch to this one.

What can we expect with this new outlook app?

A better inbox.
Left and right swipe capabilities within an e-mail in your inbox allow you to schedule meetings, delete or archive e-mails. It also allows you to easily RSVP to meetings or let attendees know you’re running late.

File integration.
What’s pretty great for Google Drive, DropBox and OneDrive users is that these cloud storage options integrate seamlessly with your e-mail. You can easily add your file account to your Outlook app and it will sync your files, making them easily available as you draft e-mails.


Full calendar integration.
One of our favorite features is the ability to “send your availability” to someone via e-mail. But rather than a link with your calendar, it allows you to select times on your calendar and e-mail those times to your recipient, which makes back and forth e-mails about meetings unnecessary.

“Focused” e-mail.
If you’ve ever gotten stuck in your inbox and derailed deleting junk, the Outlook app brings focus back to your e-mail in a “focused section.” Focused e-mails can be refined by moving them to your non-focused inbox.

Here’s a great video that outlines the features.

It’s been awhile since Microsoft revealed something truly exciting for the business world, and while this functionality existed in the Acompli e-mail app before and is really just a rebrand of the application, the time taken to market and focus we see with this application shows that Microsoft is set on making things easier for businesses. The app is completely free for businesses, even those not already signed up with Office 365. One thing is for sure, Microsoft is focusing hard on Office 365 and their Cloud services this year.

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Radhika Sivadi