Myspace Traffic Increases By 575% Thanks To Throwback Thursdays And Original Content

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·



Myspace isn’t the social medial darling that it used to be, but that doesn’t mean the network is dead. A new data pull has found that the social network has witnessed a resurgence over the last six months.

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the social media platform has hit 50.6 million unique viewers in November 2014, up 575 percent from the same month in 2013.

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Tim Vanderhook, chief executive of Viant Inc., claims that Myspace has been particularly popular among 17 to 25-year-olds, specifically fans of music and entertainment.

Silicon Angle’s Duncan Riley notes that much of Myspace’s new traffic is arriving on Thursdays. That resurgence is the result of “Throwback Thursday, the popular retro photo sharing ritual that has been growing in popularity.”

Speaking to the WSJ, Vanderhook says, “MySpace was an early photo-sharing platform. So we still see a lot of people coming back to access old photos. They may not visit every day but they come back once a week or once a month.”

More than one billion users have adopted Facebook as their go to platform, but Myspace kept user profiles active in the hopes that reinvigorating the social network would eventually convince users to make their way back to the platform.

Instead of focusing on daily conversations and photo sharing, the network now promotes audio clips and music videos from musicians. Users can still post photos, but not in the same way they used to on the company’s legacy system.

Users are also flocking to Myspace to watch original music sessions from some of the world’s best known and most loved artists and entertainers.

Specific Media purchased Myspace for $35 million and now with the help of part owner Justin Timberlake, it appears that they may finally be turning the network into a feasible business with a model for success. Of course, users will eventually run out of throwback Thursday photos on the platform, and that could hurt traffic over time.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Myspace Traffic Increases By 575% Thanks To Throwback Thursdays And Original Content

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Radhika Sivadi