Not a basketball billionaire: A Business Rockstars Minute

Radhika Sivadi

< 1 min read ·


In this Business Rockstars Minute, Ken Rutkowski talks about what it takes to help your kids to grow up to be wealthy. In the past parents might have wanted their children to play sports – and even now, a very few athletes have become billionaires. But even they make most of their money from business pursuits. So where are the next and future paths to success going to be found for the next generation? Take a look.

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This is one in a continuing series of Business Rockstars Minute videos presented by Ken Rutkowski. They cover a range of small business topics, especially for entrepreneurs, and give you a real quick start on the topic and are a great point for jumping off. We recommend that you check out their daily live shows over at Business Rockstars as well. But most importantly, please let us know what you think in the comments. We want your feedback on how you like these and on future topics.

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Radhika Sivadi