3 Ways to Increase Messaging Clarity and Reach By Engaging a Professional Writer

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


One of the biggest struggles for professional services firms when trying to connect with buyers is learning to speak the same language. Yet, the more we learn about how buyers think, the more we become aware of the perception gaps that plague professional services firms.

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These perception gaps often reveal themselves via missed and lost opportunities. One common issue is that sellers misunderstand buyers’ challenges or overestimate the importance of their services.

Without this critical understanding, sellers won’t know how to modify the explanation of their specialties in a way that demonstrates how they help solve a client’s problem. Additionally, most sellers aren’t aware of exactly who all of their competitors are and don’t realize just how important a strong reputation for producing results is to buyers.

Sending clear and targeted messages to prospective clients can make a significant difference in your firm’s ability to attract and convert leads. Bridging these common gaps is essential to the growth of your firm. One way to improve your messaging and begin speaking the same language as your buyers is by engaging a professional writer.

Not convinced? Here are three ways professional writers can help your firm craft clearer messaging and connect better with prospective clients.

1. They can translate technical jargon into approachable and easy-to-digest content.

You’re an expert in your field. You know what you do like the back of your hand. The particular lexicon of your industry is so clearly engrained in your mind that you can hardly remember ever not knowing it.

However, this isn’t necessarily the case for your clients (or, perhaps, that recently-hired college grad searching for providers like you on their behalf)—and ultimately, that’s a good thing. You have the opportunity to educate, help increase understanding, and share your expertise. But those messages only stick if delivered the right way.

Luckily, you don’t have to produce content packed with jargon in order to convince your clients that you know what you’re talking about. In fact, addressing your clients in plain, understandable English may allow your firm to make a more meaningful connection and encourage more prospects to contact you for further information.

A professional writer can help bridge the gap between technical jargon and approachable information.

2. They can ensure that your messages are hitting your target audiences.

Your messaging not only needs to be easy to understand, but it must also resonate with your targets to entice them to action. While words are great, they need to matter to your targets in order to serve their purpose.

Once you are aware of your audiences’ most pressing challenges and how your services can help overcome those challenges, professional writers can help ensure your messaging resonates with your target audiences.

3. They can save you time—and money.

It may not need to be said, but when you decide to develop content (and potentially engage in a focused content marketing strategy), do not expect the licensed professionals in your organization to willingly add ‘contributing writer’ to their list of tasks. They may be subject matter experts, but translating what’s in their brains into comprehensible messaging is certainly much easier said than done.

Plus, if writing isn’t their strong suit, your experts may have to use up a considerable amount of their time writing and editing a piece. This can quickly add up considering their billable rates. Hiring a professional writer can let your experts focus on their work and allow your firm to spend less money in the long run.

And here’s a bonus reason: having professionally-written content of varying lengths makes repurposing even easier. Next time you need content for a speaking engagement, you can go back to one of your professionally written white papers to collect some high-level points and examples.

Or, if you decide it’s time to publish a new eBook, you can collect five or six blog posts and ask your writer to weave them into a story with a lesson that benefits your clients. Once you amass a certain degree of professionally written content, the possibilities for repurposing are truly endless.

Hiring a professional writer that understands your industry and your differentiators helps your firm deliver messages with clarity, authority and grace. Outsourcing this work also allows your professionals to focus on what they do best: helping your organization maintain its reputation for results.

So, what are you waiting for? Seek out a solid professional writer and begin producing the type of messages and content that will connect with your audience and streamline your internal processes.

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This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 3 Ways to Increase Messaging Clarity and Reach By Engaging a Professional Writer

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Radhika Sivadi