Podcast Website Best Practices

Radhika Sivadi

5 min read ·


There are almost 43 podcast episodes available as of January 2021. So, how can you help make your podcast stand out? A podcast website adds credibility and helps people find your show. Here are podcast website practices to boost your legitimacy and expand your reach.

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There are currently over 1.75 million podcasts out there, according to Podcast Insights. At this point, most of the U.S. population (55%) has listened to a podcast. Some 68 million people listen weekly. In Q1 2018, 16 million Americans told Nielsen they are “avid podcast fans.” And that was three years ago!

This tells us two things: There is an audience for podcasts. There are a lot of podcasts out there competing for attention. A podcast website can help you promote your show and communicate your professionalism to listeners, collaborators, potential guests, reviewers, advertisers, and the media. This article will examine best practices for a podcast website, including:

  • Integrating your podcast platform with your website
  • Building multiple podcast website pages
  • Optimizing your site for mobile 
  • Encouraging email signup
  • Highlighting social media
  • Inviting partnerships
  • Ensuring search engines can index your site

Don’t rely on your podcast platform hub. Give your podcast a real home with podcast website design.


Integrate Podcast Platform and Website

You could be hosting your audio files on a podcast platform like Google Play, Apple Podcasts, or SoundCloud. It’s convenient and a good way to grab an audience of podcast fans. Yet, they are not doing your website hosting. You’ll want to integrate your podcast platform and your website to boost your brand. 

Offering a single or multiple episode embedded player on your business website can help people get acquainted with your show easily. Plus, having episodes playable on your site can improve your opportunities to market other content, products, or services to your loyal listeners.

Tip: Put links to your podcast services on your site and enable one-click linking.


Build Multiple Podcast Website Pages

A simple podcast website might be as simple as a few pages of information. But one of the big podcast website tips is to flesh out your site. Whether it’s in the web design or web redesign stage, it’s a good idea to add:

  • A page that summarizes the show
  • A page that introduces the host or hosts—if you have more than one host, give them each a bio page
  • A page for each episode—you could include a summary, show notes, and an edited transcript. If you have a video, share that too.
  • A contact page with a place to capture subscriber signups

Tip: An edited transcript is easy to transform into social media posts or a blog to provide more ways to interact with the material and engage new audiences.



Optimize for Mobile

Optimizing your website design for mobile devices is critical. Most smartphones today are sold to consumers equipped with podcast platforms. Don’t miss your opportunity to make a great first impression on possible listeners. Any challenges a mobile user encounters navigating your podcast website can stop them from becoming subscribers. Plus, it hurts your chances of gaining new listeners in the first place.

Use responsive web design to make sure your site functions well on whatever device is used for access. Keep audio files small (without sacrificing quality) to improve downloadability. Also, make sure that your site is easy to navigate using handheld touchscreens.

Tip: Optimize for voice search too!


Encourage Email Signup

Once someone hears your podcast, you want to convert them into loyal listeners. Make it easy for your audience to keep up with your latest episodes by offering an email signup to subscribers. Start a simple email list that permits you to notify people about new releases or other promotions.

Tip: Add email signup opportunities in sidebars, footers, and on the contact page.


Highlight social media

Include links to your podcast’s social media on every podcast website page. Allow people to share excerpts from your transcripts or blogs.

Plus, don’t forget to ask people to share your podcast with others when you’re wrapping up an episode. Learn more about promoting your podcast on social media.

Tip: Use social media to build an audience by sharing a curated playlist of your best episodes.


Invite Partnerships

As much as you enjoy getting on the mic and talking about your chosen topic, it’s a good idea to involve collaborators or guests. This offers your listeners greater variety. Plus, everyone you work with becomes someone who can help promote your podcast. Make it easier for people to get in touch with you and suggesting partnerships by adding a podcast guest application form to your website page.

Tip: Make the form quick and easy. Ask only for the minimum you need to decide whether you would want to follow up for more details. 


Ensure Search Engine Indexing

Even the most simple podcast website needs to be set up for search engine indexing. In the past, as long as you knew how to build a podcast website, the result would get indexed by Google once you had it up. Now, though, search engine algorithms are more advanced. To make sure your site can be indexed:

  • Create an RSS feed for your podcast containing information about your show and its episodes (you can create own on your own, or your podcast host provider may provide one)
  • Link the RSS feed to your podcast website
  • Link the podcast website to your RSS feed (yes, both are essential)
  • Submit your RSS feed URL to podcast directories

Tip: Confirm your RSS feed has no issues (you might use a free tool such as podba.se to run diagnostics). 


A podcast website gives your listeners and others an in-depth look at your show. If you don’t already have a website for your podcast, get one. After all, it’s the digital generation (12-34) that makes up the majority of monthly podcast listeners (48%). They’re going to look for more info online. So too are advertisers, guests, reviewers, and more. 


Don’t know how to make a podcast website? Partner with Yahoo Website Design to develop or redesign your web presence. Our experts will design, write, build, and manage your podcast website to communicate and promote your brand while you record more of your great show!


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Radhika Sivadi