What We Learned About Email Marketing From The #BlizzardOf2015

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


#Snowmaggedon2015, #Juno, #Snowpocalypse – whatever you want to call it, it’s all anyone’s been talking about for the past 48 hours. So, what can we learn, as marketers, from an event like this?

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  1. Monopolize On Up-To-The-Minute Events
    We all saw timely emails with subject lines like “Snowed in? Here’s a free “sparknotes” version of 5 books every marketer should read.” (HubSpot), “Snow Day Savings: 6 Hour Flash Sale Is On!” (Ideel), and “Katherine, Snow Is On The Way!” (CVS).
    These are great attention grabbers to increase open rates!hubspot
  2. Use Your Data Wisely
    An email I received from CVS (mobile-optimized, I might add) read, “Katherine, be prepared for the storm with one convenient stop.” By using location as a data source, you can use weather-related events to target your customers.cvs
  3. Sync Up With Social
    The hashtags #blizzardof2015, #juno, and #snomaggedon2015 were crazy popular yesterday, so by linking your email/digital marketing campaign with social media you can create a multichannel approach to enhance your efforts. Heels.com sent an email with the subject line “#Blizzardof2015 = 30% Off ALL SHOES” targeting those who were snowed in and ready for some online shopping. They even incorporated the clever pun “Juno what to do – Get cozy and shop the sitewide sale.” heels

Did you see any great #Blizzardof2015 marketing efforts?

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: What We Learned About Email Marketing From The #BlizzardOf2015

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Radhika Sivadi