#PRFail A Lesson In How *Not* To Interact On Twitter

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


Twitter PR FailSo, a few weeks ago, this happened. But, wait, it gets better.

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That’s right, Ilissa Miller, CEO of iMiller PR in New York, just gave us all a great lesson in how not to interact on Twitter (or anywhere else for that matter!) via her conversation with widely respected digital marketing expert Jason Falls.

While it’s important to note that Ilissa and Jason patched things up, this stream of interactions can serve as a great case study for PR pros everywhere on what not to do.

It’s well known that journalists hate blast emails and consider them spam (I would, too). After all, with the mass amount of mail they get each day – even each hour! – it’s PR 101 that the only way you’ll ever stand out is to make your emails personal, relatable, and tailored to each person’s area of interest. Otherwise, cue the blacklist and you’re out.

On the other side, it’s no surprise that PR pros get frustrated with journalists who don’t respond and, eventually, may feel their time is wasted on researching and crafting each bespoke email when it’s not going to be given the time of day on the other end.

It’s a vicious cycle!

But, regardless of the frustrations on both sides, taking the issue into a public forum demands respect and poise. The world is watching, after all. But, some of the jaw-dropping comments in Ilissa and Jason’s conversation definitely cross the line with outright denial, finger-pointing and snark.

Some of Ilissa’s hashtags are my favorite: #FaultNotOurs, #HateOnYourJobPrivately, and #WeDoOurJobWell, to name a few. And, Jason nearly crossed the line once with his “fault is yours” tweet, but the winking smiley face definitely took the edge off (who said emoticons don’t matter?), leaving the majority of his interactions classy and polite – not the least of which was his quick acceptance of Ilissa’s eventual apology.

So, at the end of the day, the big lesson for PR pros is to keep tailoring those pitches to make them personal – even if they fall on deaf ears!

What else did you take away from this series of interactions?


This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: #PRFail A Lesson In How *Not* To Interact On Twitter

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Radhika Sivadi