Modern Marketing Skills

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


The skills required to be an effective marketer keep changing, just as the ways in which we drive demand generation keep changing. Demand Generation is built on a solid strategy and that encompasses many different components. It seems again and again, marketers are not able to keep up with the perpetual quest to obtain new skills in areas including marketing automation (now really a basic requirement for any marketer), analytics, content marketing, search engine optimization, content management systems and others. If marketers don’t have the skills they need to be effective in their jobs, how can organizations expect the programs we run to drive revenue to be effective?

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According to a recent report, “The rise of the Marketer –Driving engagemenet, experience and revenue” an Economist Intelligence Unit report sponsored by Marketo, “Marketing technology is proliferating through the cloud to the point where almost all companies—even the smallest ones—use multiple systems operating within an overall marketing operating system.” In fact, the technology landscape is growing so rapidly that according to the latest Marketing Technology Landscape infographic from Scott Brinker via from January 2014 to January 2015 – there was an increase in 929 new technologies used in marketing! That means a lot of new skills will be required to run these technologies.

In a recent marketing enablement webinar with marketing leader Brian Hansford of Heinz Marketing, we discussed what skills marketers need to have and how it was time to step up our game, and take marketing enablement into our own hands. Listen to the brief webinar and see what resources are available to marketers today…some are even free! There is no shortage of webinars, eBooks, seminars, user groups, and classes designed to help marketers become better in our jobs. Take the initiative and commit to attend a webinar a month for your own skills development or start with a class a quarter. Set clear goals to develop yourself. Don’t wait on others to help you develop new skills. Sadly, marketing enablement is not like sales enablement (annual sales meetings or quarterly sales training) in most organizations it is not a well-organized, company-funded or even a scheduled event. So it’s up to you.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Modern Marketing Skills

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Radhika Sivadi