6 Secrets to Writing a Better Brand Positioning Statement

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


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A brand positioning statement is a concise version of your mission or vision statement. Sound intimidating? Well, they shouldn’t be. They are actually pretty simple to construct. These read, “I am a [noun, such as coach] who helps [audience, for example women] [result, i.e get healthy] so they can [benefit, for instance love their life!]”

While easy to create, a lot aspiring speakers, bloggers, authors, coaches and consultants create brand positioning statements that aren’t very memorable – “I am a speaker who helps women become their best self!“

Here’s how to make your position stronger and unforgettable.

Related: 4 Techniques for Crafting a Mission Statement Worth Remembering

1. Be more specific about what you do.  

With your ideal customer in mind, be as specific as you can. For example, don’t just say, "I am a speaker.” What kind of speaker? A motivational speaker? A breakout session speaker? A marketing speaker? A keynote speaker?

2. Really define your customer.

“I am a coach who helps people.” This just isn’t going to cut it. Try to substitute ANYTHING more specific for the word “people.” Remember, the more general you are, the less memorable you are.

Who do you help most or who do you enjoy most out of those men? Are they overweight? Stressed? Driven? Find an adjective for you customers.  If you are a B2B company, then state what businesses are the best fit.

3. Avoid fluff.

If you do help people live better lives, how so? What are you BEST at as a coach? What do you MOST enjoy doing for your consulting clients? Consider adding on how quickly you do it or how simple your process is, anything beyond just the service that all or most of your competitors also offer. Many financial coaches help clients get out of debt, for example, so “get out of debt in six months or less!” or “get out of debt without feeling deprived” will help you stand out.

Related: How Do I Build a Business Plan? (Infographic)

4. Explain the benefit better.

Just like competitors can promote the same service, the benefit they advertise is also very similar. If you assist clients in getting out of debt, you and your competitor BOTH offer the benefit of relieved stress and increased freedom. So, tie the benefit to your target audience. The key to getting out of debt is different for a baby boomer than for a recent college graduate. Which is closer to your target client?

5. Embody your personality.

You and your team are the biggest differentiator between your shop and the other one offering the same services and benefits. If you are a quirky bunch, your position statement should be quirky too. Or if you are bold and fun, the copy on your site’s services page should not read like a textbook.

6. Embrace your ideal audience.

Broader is not better. When you focus in on who you serve best and how you serve them best, work becomes easier and more enjoyable. Every time you get more specific in your marketing efforts you get closer to having a roster of clients who fit you perfectly. Focus on that instead of the masses you might be turning off by being specific with your message.

Related: The Importance of Developing a Family Business Mission Statement

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Radhika Sivadi