The Secret to Successful Marketing – Make People Care

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


This might be a short blog post but I hope it will have enough impact to make you care about email marketing.

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I’m passionate about marketing (particularly email marketing) and as such find it very easy to market iContact’s email marketing service. I’ll let you into a secret, when you have a great product marketing is always easy.

Marketing is only difficult if your product sucks*

While some people might not consider email marketing as “sexy” as more recent (read: unproven) marketing technologies, this doesn’t put me off evangelizing about the medium.

Email marketing excites me because every day I meet marketers and entrepreneurs (just like you) using a relatively straightforward and easy-to-use technology and seeing real results. I should add, as an entrepreneur myself there is nothing more “sexy” than healthy profits. Because I care about profits, I care about email marketing and I it would take a lot for another marketing medium to turn my head.

Hopefully this level of excitement, which I try to embed into blog posts like this, rubs off on you and makes you care a little bit more about my marketing passion.

Getting people to care about your business is easy if you follow these simple 5 steps:

  1. Have a Great Product: Great marketing always starts with a great product.
  2. Live and Breathe Your Work: If you don’t have an in-depth knowledge of the industry you serve, how will you ever add value.
  3. Know Your Customers: People buy from people they like, so get to know your customers and start making friends.
  4. Solve Problems: The best marketing (just like the best products) will always solve problems for your potential customers (steps #1, 2 and 3 are vital in this approach).
  5. Keep on Keeping On: Try not to lose momentum, even when things don’t go to plan. Learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up, and keep pushing.

*The definition of a product that sucks is (a) a product that does not solve a particular problem for its intended audience or (b) a product which offers poor value for money when compared to competitive products.

This post firs appeared on the iContact Email Marketing Blog.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: The Secret to Successful Marketing – Make People Care

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Radhika Sivadi