Top 5 Apps Small Businesses Must Have

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


The power of an app is increasingly recognized globally. Billions of apps are downloaded and the graph is estimated to rise monstrously in the coming few years. With the statistics proving the increase in app development, we provide you the top 5 necessary apps to get your small business rolling.

Entrepreneurs or small business holders are relying more on these tech savvy tools to ensure their businesses grow and run smoothly. Allow us to guide you with 5 must apps to get you organized, connected and visible-all in all contributing to your success.

Top 5 Apps Small Businesses Must Have image Mobile Apps23Top 5 Apps Small Businesses Must Have


Top 5 Apps Small Businesses Must Have image Top 5 Apps Small Businesses Must Have

Inspiration can strike anywhere. This app helps you store it in the form of texts, photos and voice notes. The app is brilliant to store and organize thoughts and allows entrepreneurs to help keep track of their brilliant ideas in “Remember everything” format. The success of this app has scored 166 million$ in funding and is undoubtedly a must have in your mob app directory.

Google Drive:

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Isn’t it amazing to know that Google’s new Drive app lets users flawlessly port and edit files from PC to tablet to smart phone? Along with a lovely 5GB storage, absolutely free, this file type allows you to store any file type via a virtual drive app or a web interface acting like a full cloud drive.


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This is probably one of the cutest app you may come across.  For those environmentally friendly hating paper, this app allows you to replace traditional business cards in favor of virtual ones. As two smart phones bump into one another users can trade contact info, photos and files. The app is a winner as it accumulated over 8 million monthly users with a staggering 27 million downloads.


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 This is a dream app for all business travelers allowing to keep track of trip arrangements in one unified place. Not just that it proves its efficiency with weather updates, maps and directions to ensure your travelling plans are carefree and fun.


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If you are an obsessive to do list maker/ follower this app helps you prioritize and organize your lists. Whether you want to set reminders, attach contacts from your phone to a specific task or add detailed notes to any item this can do so for you while creating multiple lists, with a more focused and better visual list.

Entrepreneurs or small business holders are relying more on these tech savvy tools to ensure their businesses grow and run smoothly.  Download these 5 must apps to help you get organized, connected and visible-all in all contributing to your success.

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Radhika Sivadi