11 Conversion Friendly Designing Tips For Small Online Stores

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·



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Websites for businesses fill up the Internet but very few are providing profit to the business. Web resource is only working if it has a good conversion rate meaning that the ratio of visitors who have bought a product to the total number of visitors. Conversion rates provide information about how your business may grow.

Design Strategy

The design of your website will determine if it is memorable and has identity. The website should stand out and keep customers returning.


Colors move customers psychologically. The choice of your website background as well as the font will make your site unique. Customers will return to your website if it is user friendly and attractive. Remember to maintain your website to keep it fresh.


Text needs to be easily read by all people and designed to get and keep customers attention. Your text should:

  1. Provide the main theme of the business;
  2. Give interesting information about the business, how it came about, and general news.
  3. Devise a marketing plan that is customer friendly
  4. Advise about products, services, promotions, pricing, and specific offers

Buttons or Text Links

Buttons are easier and more noticeable and increase CTR (click though rate)

Placement of Buttons

Buttons should be very visible. Place buttons at the top of the screen where they are easily seen and used.

Size and Color of Buttons

Buttons should contrast nicely with the background color of your website. They should be large enough to be seen without being prominent. They should have call to action text on them and some identifying marks like arrows.


Images of products give customers a good idea of your product. Pictures need to be of good quality and one picture should be large with the ability to be enlarged by the customer. Other images can be smaller with the ability to click to enlarge.

Give People Directions

Make sure your customers can easily find the way to make a target action. If customers can’t maneuver around your site easily they will not make a purchase or return to the site.

Single Column Layout

Too many details will cause the customer to become distracted and loose track of their main purpose. The single column layout is a better way than other options.

Loading time

When searching through browsers for a product most customers will click on the first site available. Bowsers such as Google place the fastest loading sites at the top of their lists. The average consumer will only wait 5 seconds so your site needs to have a fast loading time.

Social accounts Sign In

Most consumers find it a hassle to fill out registration forms and would much prefer to sign in with one social account. Remember your own contacts for consumers. Contact details include; full name of your company, address, e-mail, phone number, free chat or hotline services.

Return Policy

Having a money back guarantee shows confidence in your product. Consumers rarely return product or ask for money back. Make sure your policy is on returns is clear.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 11 Conversion Friendly Designing Tips For Small Online Stores

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Radhika Sivadi