5 Ways To Turn Your Brand From ‘Meh’ To ‘Legendary’

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


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Bangkok, When you’re at work, do you feel like you are living out a scene from the movie “Office Space” or “The Internship”? Some companies’ workplace culture is rife with insane, unproductive activities and poor managerial behavior. On the other hand, others are white-hot with innovative spirit and are regarded as a utopia in which everyone wants a part.

What is it that makes some workplaces “the place to be?” According to Deb Stambaugh, vice president of Marketing Engagement Team at SAP, the best workplaces manage both the internal and external brands. “There is so much that people can find out about your organization that has nothing to do with the message that recruiters want to focus on: small internal missteps and conflicts, for example, right through to larger organizational problems. An organization can have great integrity and work to address internal issues quickly and honestly, but social media waits for no one,” she notes.

Create an authentic employer brand that attracts and retains the right talent

As high-demand jobs remain unfilled these days, the procurement and retention of highly skilled, qualified candidates becomes even more competitive. In fact, according to a 2014 CareerBuilder study, 35% of employers have positions that remain open for 12 weeks or more, costing the business more than US$14,000 per job.

Take a look at your roster of open positions. Can you afford such as high cost? Of course not! To market the employer brand, HR professionals must be able to discuss staffing at the very highest levels of a company, and they must be fully engaged and included at the strategy table.

Here are five ways HR can deliver a candidate and employee experience that inspires and energizes people to join, stay, grow, and give their all.

  1. Identify the employer brand. Why is your company a great place to work? Your answer doesn’t have to be splashy. What matters is that you can back it up with facts about your business culture. Are you workaholics? Mention it! Family-oriented? Say it! Being authentic helps ensure that you attract candidates who will succeed and feel a level of connection with the company’s values and social lifestyle.
  1. Compare the employer brand with the external brand. Now that you have a list of characteristics, take a step back and figure out whether the emerging employer brand complements the external brand. Consider the internal identity of family-friendly. Typically, a company known for great customer service aligns well. And even if the connection is obvious to the HR organization, it doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion from the marketing department.
  1. Spread the word. Get in front of potential employees with a strong branding message. Otherwise, others will chime in exposing the good and the bad – true or not. The more you can do to engage the public with consistent and positive messages, the better. Zappos, for example, has taken this reality to heart. The company replaced formal job postings with invitation-only access to those interested in the company before “interview” or “job” are mentioned.
  1. Look beyond experience on a resume. New and deeper skills are highly desirable now that new types of jobs are being created so quickly. Rather than looking at the resume checklist of experience and education, look deeper and get a sense of whether applicants have the right mindset and core approach to work. Are they flexible enough to learn new skills? Are their learning styles compatible with what you have to offer? These are the key qualifications that can help predict the potential of a candidate.
  1. Link hiring to training. Help new hires link their passions and pursuits to the new jobs. From day one, new hires need to feel valued as individuals and as a part of the entire organization. Arrange opportunities for them to socialize with people who can help them succeed. Even a concierge service can help new hires get acquainted with the inner workings of the organization.

Learn how you can create an employer brand that is intriguing, compelling, and downright legendary. Download the Center for Business Insight inquiry “HR’s New Strategy: From Recruiters to Marketers.”

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: 5 Ways To Turn Your Brand From ‘Meh’ To ‘Legendary’

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Radhika Sivadi