Convert Social Media Leads into Sales for Your Personal Brand

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


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shutterstock_174962828In the era of online networking it is important to make meaningful connections to make your personal brand stand out.

In order to attract new leads you need to be an active user on one the most powerful social networks, LinkedIn.

How can your personal brand bring attract more connections on this premier online networking tool? It all begins with meaningful communication and engagement. LinkedIn makes this freely available to its users with groups, InMail, publishing, and more.

In today’s business economy it’s all about attracting your target market, and nurturing those relationships for continued sales. Here are some ways your personal brand can begin building a stronger network on LinkedIn for more leads and sales.

Building Great Relationships On LinkedIn

The first place to begin is a fully optimized LinkedIn profile that stands out to potential connections. You will want to complete your targeted brand information as much as possible before starting these steps:

• Personalized Communication Matters – Hundreds of InMail correspondence is being sent out each day, but just how many are being passed up simply because they are not addressing contacts and prospects in a personal way? It takes just a little extra time and effort to craft a template that can be tailored for your recipients. This conveys that your personal brand has a vested interest in meeting their needs with an open invitation to contact you. After sending an InMail it’s equally important to follow up to answer questions, offer tips or advice, a free product, ect. This will greatly increase your brand’s chances of people not only opening your messages, but responding favorably.

• Keep Your Contacts Updated – Once your brand has received a response continue to nurture your leads with updates, new information, a special event, and so on. This is a great time to showcase your knowledge and expertise while at the same time offering a solution to their problem(s).

• Stay active in your network – Your personal brand can greatly benefit from meaningful interactions in professional groups as well as posting and interacting on posts on LinkedIn. Group members and commenters are potential new connections that can become leads for your business. Additionally LinkedIn has a great option to publish your content, which can be commented on and shared like any blog post.

As networking and sales become more prominent on social media, and especially on LinkedIn, your personal brand has the golden opportunity to build genuine and trusted relationships who will become brand ambassadors. By keeping in touch with your network you can attract qualified leads for for improved conversion rates.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Convert Social Media Leads into Sales for Your Personal Brand

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Radhika Sivadi