How to Measure Instagram Traffic, Leads and Sales [Infographic]

Radhika Sivadi

2 min read ·


Brands have started using their Instagram posts to drive traffic to their profile’s bio section — hence the ubiquitous “Click the link our bio!”  When users click a URL in a brand’s bio, they are usually directed to content the brand recently promoted on their Instagram account.

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There are 5 types of content brands frequently promote on Instagram:

1. Inbound marketing content, like a blog post, video, PDF, etc.

2. A product page, used primarily by eCommerce businesses.

3. A sign-up page to encourage Instagram users to sign up for their email list.

4. An Instagram exclusive i.e., a landing page that hosts content created just for Instagram.

5. A rules page, used when a brand hosts an Instagram giveaway/contest that has lengthy terms and conditions.

Promoting content on Instagram can be Challenging …

The challenge has been that brands use their Instagram profiles to promote a variety of content, but they’re only given one live link to work with. The limitation means most brands update the URL in their bio periodically — sometimes every day. There are downsides to this practice:

1. It’s exhausting. Logging into your brand’s Instagram account every day to update your bio link is time consuming, especially when a new tracking link is required for each update.

2. Posts’ calls to action expire. When a user discovers your brand’s Instagram account for the first time, or a current follower decides to scroll through your photos, those users will be discovering outdated information when they click the link in your bio as your posts’ caption copy have directed them to do.

…  But There is a Solution

With third-party softwares that allow you to build landing pages, brands are able to create Instagram Campaigns that can host all sorts of content including forms, videos and more.

Instead of directing Instagram users to a URL that serves one purpose, make the one link allowed in your Instagram bio really count by directing them to a dynamic Instagram Campaign.

We’ll show you how it’s done, in the graphic below.

How to Measure Instagram Traffic, Leads and Sales

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: How to Measure Instagram Traffic, Leads and Sales [Infographic]

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Radhika Sivadi