Context, The Ultimate Sales Differentiator

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


Everyone is enthralled with content these day–Thankfully!

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Content’s not new, just most of the content generated sucks. We have data sheet after data sheet, millions spent in brochures.

Of course there’s always the standard corporate presentation, with the ever so important logo’s slide. It’s usually the second or third slide and it really is a “brag slide,” “here are all the wonderful customers that bought from us…”

Fortunately, leading marketing and sales enablement folks are moving content into a new realm. They are “customerizing” it, perhaps even humanizing it. It’s targeted to personas, it’s targeted to markets and industries, it focuses on where the customer is in their buying process, helping them navigate to the next steps.

New tools and technologies make content increasingly personalized.

For marketing, Content has become King!

It’s about time.

As sales people, we’re cheering to0. We need relevant content to leverage with our customers. But there’s a danger in how we leverage it.

We create no value by just parroting the content. That’s why so many customers prefer going to the web. If all we are is talking data sheets, then the web is much more convenient.

The one thing our content can’t do is provide context.

This is where sales people create huge value for the customer. It’s that connection between the content, regardless how personalized, and “this is what it means to you and your organization.”

Context is how we translate content to the customer specific situation, where they’ve been, where they are, where they want to go. It’s how we can address, their specific strategies and priorities, their specific problems and challenges, what’s happening to their customers and market. It’s how we provide insight.

It’s how we talk to Bob, the product design director, saying, “Bob, remember the problems you had [these problem] in the design of your Super Duper Widget. Those problems caused in launching the product by [X months]. The company lost [Y revenue] because of the delay. We’ll eliminate that problem by helping your engineers address [these specific issues] that caused the delays. You should see design cycle time reduced by [this much].”

Bob, “Awesome! Now I get it…..”

If we rely just on content, without providing context, we leave it to the customer to figure it out themselves. They probably don’t know how to, they probably don’t know how to quantify the impact, but most importantly, they probably won’t take the time.

Our job as sales people is to connect with our customers–and to help them make the connections in addressing new opportunities, changing, learning new approaches, solving problems, and continuing to improve.

Beyond providing the ability to be specific to the customer’s situation (individuals and organizations), context enables the sales person to manage the changes over time. The issues concerning the customer today are different than they were yesterday, and they will be different tomorrow. So the context changes over time. Content is relatively static, so sales provides the context to manage these shifts over time.

While content is important for sales people, providing context is critical, that’s where we connect and help our customers make the connection, today, and tomorrow, and the day after.

For the marketers reading this, sales needs your help!

Content is great! Targeted to personas, markets, industries, and where the customer is in their buying cycle helps increase relevance and the ability to connect with customers.

But sales people need more. Sales people need tools, playbooks, training in how to provide context.

  • What should they be looking for with customers?
  • What questions should sales be asking, what responses should sales be looking for?
  • How do sales people help customers decide to change? How do they identify and quantify the impact of doing nothing?
  • How do sales people help identify the specific impact the solutions will have, both qualitatively and quantitatively?
  • How do sales people translate the content into customer specific issues now, how do sales people lead that conversation?

Content may be king for marketing, but context is where the rubber hits the road. It’s how sales people create meaning and value for customers.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Context, The Ultimate Sales Differentiator

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Radhika Sivadi