How to Offer Great Customer Service With Social Media

Radhika Sivadi

3 min read ·


Have you experienced complaining via social media? Was it addressed promptly or were you seen-zoned? Honestly, I have and it was an unpleasant experience. I guess, I am one of those people, who were included in’s statistics, which shows that 78% of customers have bailed out of a transaction due to poor customer service.

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If you are a business owner, you can turn this negative into a positive remark. How? By offering great customer service. However, offering it through social media is difficult. First, it’s all online and there’s no personal touch. Second, people are used to talking to a live person.
But nowadays, companies use social media as an absolute channel to gain more customers and solicit customer experiences. Companies use customer insights to better their product and services.

So, if the majority of your customers are in social media, read this write-up to effectively use it for your advantage.

#1 Create a clear social media strategy

One of the major mistakes of startups (or even the old ones) is being overly excited when creating a social media strategy. As a result, the campaign doesn’t flourish. What you need to do is understand social media management to support your objectives and create a win-win relationship with your customers. You have to know where your customers are, so you can properly address them. If most of them are in Facebook, focus on that platform only. Your social media strategy must be relevant, clear, and concise. As I have mentioned, behind a successful business is an effective strategy.

#2 Think before you “speak”

It was Benjamin Franklin who said: “Think twice before you speak, and you will speak more wisely for it.” Apparently, this saying is hard to practice, especially if you get emotional. Although, there is an “edit” or “delete” option, you must think a million times before you post anything on social media. Professionalism must be practiced, as often as possible.

#3 Time is of the essence – Fix complaints, immediately

Following my no.2 option, negative comments are really scary. In fact, customers do remember the bad service more than anything else. However, you can prevent these – by solving their issues, immediately! Customer service is critical, especially, if the client is not happy at all. Action it with care, go an extra mile, and fix it as soon as possible.

If I may suggest, add a personal touch in solving complaints. If you think the conversation would stir up the moment, take it “offline,” send a private message instead or call if necessary. Remember, the faster you solve the complaints, the happier your customers are.

#4 Consider outsourcing your customer service

Depending how big the company is, customer service outsourcing could be a great alternative. Essentially, these companies offer well-trained workers that have impeccable customer service skills. They also follow a strict set of metrics to maintain the high-quality standards of customer service. If you are passionate about customer service, customer service outsourcing is a great investment for you.

#5 Always ask for feedback

Your customers’ feedback is an integral part of your business. This is your determining factor for how significant your product/service is to their needs. Customers give us feedback, like leaving a tip to a server. Feedback is another way for customers to insure promptness.

Customer service handling through social media is challenging. You don’t see the person’s face or reaction. The tone of your message can come across rude when it isn’t your intention at all. That’s why, create a social media plan and listen carefully to your customers.

Bear in mind, offering a great customer service isn’t costly, but an awesome sales opportunity.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: How to Offer Great Customer Service With Social Media

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Radhika Sivadi